Thursday, October 30, 2008

The best vampires ever

My opinions on the best of the vampires and suggestions for Halloween rentals.
Number one, clearly, Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula. He was hot, sexy, scary, charming an channelling some Lugosi. The best vampire flick ever made and a true love story. You can see the whole thing on You Tube HERE. Awesome, awesome movie.
Number 2, has to be Bela Lugosi in Dracula. Oh, man, he was good! "I never"
Number 3, Keifer Southerland in Lost Boys. What a good movie that is! Best lines ever "You're a fuckin' vampire! I'm tellin' mom!"
Number 4, Brad Pitt in Interview With A Vampire. Everyone blamed the script writers for the not as hot as the book version, but, I blame Tom Cruise. He is NOT what I pictured Lestat looking like while reading Ann Rice. But, Pitt was a great choice for Louis de Pointe du Lac. You can see the entire film on You Tube HERE. Still worth watching even if The Little Gay General screwed it up.
Number five..The Count, a von and a two and a sree. I just love him.


Anonymous said...

Antonio Banderas made a nice Armand in Interview w/ a Vampire.

Anonymous said...

All great movies! Lost Boys is one of my all time favs! The Corey's really make it funny too! But it's kinda scary at times. John Carpenters "Vampires" is another good one. It's different because alot of the plot takes place in daylight hours. Tom Cruise doesn't really ruin this movie as bad as Kirsten Dundst did! She's just so bad. There are some very sexy vampires in this movie tho, Anne Rice is now an evangelist isn't she? Does she feel like she did a bad thing writing those books? Everytime she looks at her bank acct, I bet she just cries like a baby! For joy! Queen of The Damned, another rocker cool vampire movie. Thanks for the cool pics today. Who doesn't love vampires esp Count Chocula & The Count on Sesame Street?! Jeez whiz! Duh!

Anonymous said...

I 2nd that pissymood! Antonio is one of the reasons I still watch this hawt sexy vampire flick!

Anonymous said...

LeStat wasn't supposed to have that honker Tommy has. He was supposed to be "beautiful, powerful and without regret"

Anonymous said...

That statue coming to life is what hooked me on "Interview".
When Oldman's teeth grew, in "Stoker's", it was the first time I'd ever seen that effect.
I was smitten with Sadie Frost after her "writhing on the bed" scene.
(Watch it in s-l-o-w motion to get the "full" effect.)

Anonymous said...

Oh yessssss Gary Oldman..he was the best Dracula ever. He's such an amazing actor. One of my favorites.

I am still stuck on the 1979 version of Dracula mostly because Frank Langella was HOT. The black hair, the cape..yep..good one.

I have to admit that I loved Tom Cruise as Lestat. When I heard it was him playing the part I was disappointed, but when I went to see it I thought he did an amazing job.

If you want to read a good vampire series with an amazing vampire try Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's books about the vampire St. Germain. His character was taken from history of a real life man with that name who hung out with royalty, seemed to be rich, was a true mystery, was seen for centuries to be young and not changing. He was never seen to eat in public and did amazing things. He was an alchemist and wore beautiful jewelry on his person. It's really hard to find real information on him but the books are WOW.


Anonymous said...

Eliza, I will have to check that out.
After seeing Langella runnin' around full frontal, as Clare Quilty (who was clearly guilty), I've never quite thought the same of him.
Hard image to remove.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! count dem, five, five good vampire choices! ah ah ah

The Hunger? elegant, sexy David Bowie

Anonymous said...

what about nosferatu???

miss tia

ps: i LOVE the lost boys!

Anonymous said...

You forgot Neil Cavuto.

Anonymous said...

The Hunger?
I remember Bowie in The Hunger, but when I think: The Hunger, he's definitely not what springs to my mind first.
Guess what is.

Anonymous said...

Fig newtons?

Anonymous said...

This fig walks into a bar...

(Get it?)

Guess again.

Anonymous said...

BTW, anybody remember Barnabas Collins?
I hear Johnny Depp is re-doing Dark Shadows.
I guess it's the same story.

Jess said...

Can I vote for Spike and Drusilla as the best vampires ever? I love those two!

And Nathan will probably want to add Bill from True Blood even though that show is super-cheesy. But Nathan's impression: "I'm heahh for Sooohh-kie" is so good. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah!!! THE HUNGER!!! I love that movie!!! i think the book is good too! great movie!!

i actually have a cat named miriam blaylock...

miss tia

Anonymous said...

I loved Billy Wirth in The Lost Boys.....shewwwwwww!!! Hot hot hot hot hot!


Anonymous said...

Yes Jerry you should definitely check it out.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro also wrote books on Dracula's brides showing their lives before they became his women of the night. They are quite cool!

If anyone wants to know more about Dracula you could check out books by Elizabeth Miller.

:) Eliza

Anonymous said...

Dishy wrote: "I blame Tom Cruise. He is NOT what I pictured Lestat looking like while reading Ann Rice..."

What matters is that Ann liked him as Lestat... LOVED him, actually. She was initially horrified at the choice of Cruise, but fortunately after seeing a preview she realized no one else could bring to the role what he ultimately did.

Anonymous said...

Gay or straight you gotta admit the the swimming pool scene in "The Hunger" was hot ta deth! Young Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon and her NHO's, made for great '80's decadence!

Unknown said...

OOOOHHH I love Gary Oldman's Dracula!!!!! Sooo frickin sexy and tormented!!!!

Yes, great choices DD!!!! I'm enjoying this week with all your posts!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes!! Nosferatu ( the original & the remake with Klaus Kinski) and dont forget Barnabas Collins from that ol long dead spooky soap "Dark Shadows"!!!!

Anonymous said...

If they remake Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp it will be amazing. Can you imagine all the old people that will be in line to see it? I mean we were teenagers when it was on TV. Would they shoot it in grainy black & white too? And with bad sound? LOL! It almost looked like home made movies. It was cool & dark & spooky tho. It would have to be in B&W.

Anonymous said...

yepp and i think they should get charlize theron to play that female vampire on dark shadows, her name was "angelique" wow this so noastalgic dark shadows! i was like 8 or 9 when it aired!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone mention Gerard Butler in Vampire 2000?
