Thursday, October 30, 2008

The real Dracula

If you want to have the pants scared off yourself for Halloween, then there is no way you can ignore the real Dracula. His name was Vlad, he became known as Vlad The Impaler, He was.....Dracula.


Anonymous said...

I love this story. If I see it's on, I am sitting there watching it! History, Discovery both show it. It's real, it's true and he was just being a defender of his land! He was a badass.

Anonymous said...

Always loved Dracula stories, and Draco the Athenian (draconian law). Carthagenians would routinely crucify lions and Generals who failed their charge. I like how Vlad called himself "slave of God". I saw torture houses in Baghdad where AlQaeda would hang people from their shoulders and strip the skin off their backs with wire. When I think about it the iron-like smell of blood and feces fills my nostrils.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll try to avoid that place.

Anonymous said...

Those middle eastern Europeans certainly don't mind making a point with spilling blood, do they? They like it gory over there. No remorse either. It's in their "blood" to be ruthless killers I think. Milleneums of time and generations have not changed those people's attitudes about such things in that part of the world, very much. They will be doing that until they are no more.

Anonymous said...

Vlad Tepes was a hard ruler but got things done. Was he unfair at times, yes. Yet, if you go to Romania today they don't like to think of what has been done to his character in making him a vampire. Most look up to him as the ruler he was.

Romania is an amazing place with a lot of folklore even if you aren't going to look for vampires. The Dracula tour alone is amazing. Nothing to be scared of at all. :)


Anonymous said...

...and not a bad gymnastics team.

Anonymous said...

i saw a documentary on him a while back...showed his castles too...what stuck with me is how he had 20,000 people impaled to intimidate an emeny general who was approaching and when that general saw that he turned and left! yeah, who wouldn't???

miss tia

Anonymous said...

It'd probably only a couple 'a' three to run me off.