Monday, October 20, 2008

Billy Bob aint the only one gettin' some

Edit Pakay (David Duchovny's tennis instructor)..“I don’t want to say anything that might hurt David. I am not going to deny it. I don’t know what our relationship means to him.”
Yeah, I was going to title this "Get Bucked"..apparently Duchovny has no fear of teeth.


Anonymous said...

for a split second, looked a bit like Sheryl Crow.

"I don’t know what our relationship means to him."- sad revelation to make public. If you don't know, maybe you should hold off on the press release.

"..apparently Duchovny has no fear of teeth."-
and no fear of gums either, ewe.

Anonymous said...

Just another Hollywood ho-bag, hoping for her 15 minutes of horsey-teethed fame. . .

Anonymous said...

She looks a bit like Tia, don't you think? She has that horse-smile and that kind of face.

Anonymous said...

Divorce is so close for Mr & Mrs Duchovny, you can smell it in the air. Same with the Barbra Walters special Tia will be on talking about the cheating and fear of disease to hearself and family etc. Sweeps is in Feb, stay tuned folks.