Monday, October 13, 2008

Celebutard's unfortunate tanning accidents

One of them forgot her feet, the other one smells like feet. I think The Blow gets the boobie prize though, because she's actually trying to sell us a personal line of that orange goo.


Anonymous said...

she forgot her knees too....

Anonymous said...

LL looks like a nut. Did she not see the missed spots? She can always fix that herself. Wow. Why would you miss your feet or knees? Thats stupid. Paris doesn't look that bad.

Anonymous said...

Well at least she doesn't do it the bad-for-you way by being in the sun.

Anonymous said...

might've worn it off her knees.

Anonymous said...

She HAD to been wearing sox when she had it done tho. Thats funny as he**. And gloves too! LOL!!! She does look skinnier than she ever has. Coke does a body good! And I don't mean Coca-Cola!

Anonymous said...

jerry...what-r-u thinking? Sam don't have one of those "things"...o...ok, nevermind. My bad.