Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Contest at Jebbica's

Our bloggin' buddy, Jebbica has stuff to give away on her site, Gravy And Biscuits..get on over there and read about it. Disher never has any swag. I expect a pity party any moment...or at least a free knockoff purse. Anyhow, go for it and scroll down..scroll, dammit, scroll!


Anonymous said...

Who needs more shit? Borrrrriiinnggg!

Anonymous said...

you have to scroll down too?? i wonder why that is...all the ads are up on the sides, but the content is way at the bottom...

Miss Tia

Jess said...

Oh no, someone is trying to give away dare they! Maybe not everyone has a life as privileged as the Anonymous Army.

And yeah, make sure you scroll away. God forbid anyone might actually have to fucking read something.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's all cool, there.
Not my cup o' teeth, as Lennon would say.
...but cool, if you're young and talented, ,and into country music, eh.
Nice work, Jebbica.
I just might have to buy you a cup of coffee.

Anonymous said...

hey jessica, i meant no insult, i just find it curious that your content is about 2 feet below your header and you have to scroll down to see the content...the ads are up towards the header, but the content (middle) column is not)....

Miss Tia

Jess said...

Thanks Jerry! Only one of the prizes is country though...and I don't know why anyone wouldn't want a $25 gift card for Macy's, unless they were like me and have never seen one.

The economy is in the crapper; you'd think people would be trying to get as much for nothing as they can. I know I sign up for DIAPERS when they're free, and I don't even have kids. But someone will always need them, right?

Jess said...

Tia, are you serious? I don't have that problem on my computer. I have the header, 1/2 inch of Google ad, then the story. Are you really seeing a big void or something?

Anonymous said...

Hey, that happens to me too, Miss Tia. You have to scroll a whole page down to see the content. I wonder if its IE vs firefox layout or something?


Anonymous said...

yep, big void...always have when i go to your site...

the header and the ads are up at the top and then the center column is just about 2 feet of blank and i have to scroll down the page to see it....

Miss Tia

Anonymous said...

oh, i have XP, IE6....if that matters....

Miss Tia

Jess said...

I have been thinking about changing to a Wordpress theme that is more compatible with the new Wordpress. I don't notice that on my computer, but I know if I post a photo gallery, it puts like a foot of white space at the bottom. I just haven't found any of the new themes that I think look as good as that one. Thanks for letting me know, though! I am starting school in January for web design, so if I can't find anything between now and then maybe I can make something myself. Sorry to sound hateful before, but thank you for alerting me to this. I will try to see what I can do!

Dirty Disher said...

Jessica, yeah, I see the big black void too.

Anonymous said...

you have word press jessica??

if you don't find a theme you like, you can customize one that has the # of columns you's pretty easy to do...if you don't know how, i could help you and/or there are forums to help....

i have word press on a couple of my blogs and i figured it out pretty easy....

i don't know why yours has the huge void...but apparently i'm not the only who sees it!

miss tia

Jess said...

Well basically, I would like my theme to look just as it does now, but without all the junkiness and all the blank spaces. I mean, I like that it's a 3 column with sidebars on either side of the main post, I like the red, black and white, and I like that the main text is black on white, but apparently the theme isn't compatible with the lastest WP. I don't know...I can only do so much and that's not a lot.

Jess said...

Check this out: a friend I talked to wasn't having a problem, so she tested it out in this browser thingy. Is this not what you guys are seeing?

Anonymous said...

none of those browser shots show IE....those all show it must be IE?

you can go into WP 'theme editor' and adjust the colors, header, etc...

have you upgraded to the new WP? are you sure the theme hasn't been updated for the new WP? if it hasn't a lot of theme makers are more than happy to update a theme if you ask them....check the comments on the theme and see if someone has...

Miss Tia

Anonymous said...

Screw these people Jebbers. Your site works fine on my computer. They all have busted computers with little hamsters running inside for power.

Jess said...

Crabs, will you marry me? You will eventually grow to only mildly resent me.

I will try looking. I know I sent an email once to Cory Miller, the designer, and he said if he ever updated it he would let me know (yeah right lol). Anyway, thanks; I'll look. But I've already modified it a bunch, so I guess I will have to do it all over again...or maybe that's the problem. Computers! Arg!

Anonymous said...

Macy's...hmmmm...I missed that one.
That's right up my tree.
I like your site.
...and I really lik the Mackenzie Rosman girl-kiss stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this post has as many comments as ones about Palin, the GOP, and Dems.
You popular, Jebbica.

Jess said...

Okay, all new look, please tell me if this is working okay for you guys now! And for the love of pete enter my contest! :)


Anonymous said...

hey now!!! IT IS FINE NOW!! THANKS!!!!

Miss Tia

Anonymous said...

The Quilttt.
