Wednesday, October 29, 2008

David Beckham in his Rolls Royce Phantom

Consumerism at it's best. He totally deserves that, don't you know..he plays soccer.


Anonymous said...

It'll get him back and forth to work.

Anonymous said...

he wears his underwear money well doesn't he???

Anonymous said...

Tito Oriz drives Jenna Jamewhore arond in hers, Eddie Murphy's is nicely customized, and for a base price of $350,000.00, why not; it's only money. European Soccer is akin to our NFL. Roman Abramovich bought Chelsea Soccer club for over 1 bilion dollars and then spent another fortune recruiting the best talent in the world. Flavio Briattore did something similar in between dating supermodels. Those guys get paid big bucks. Shit, Beckham is hurt all the time, that guy has glass ankles.

Anonymous said...

yeah, glass ankles and still gets paid to live like royalty!

Anonymous said...

All that money and he still manages to look like a retard with that thing on his head.
No charities from this one! Just a rich, vapid, useless imbecile playing with his big toys.