Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Zac Efron,

Your girl friend looks like a 50 year old hooker who got beat with the ugly stick then fell into a vat of harsh. The only thing worse than her bush is her face. I suggest you make Amanda Bynes your new beard, effective immediately.


Anonymous said...

I agree that she may not age very well, she's only what?, 20 years old?. Back in the Phillipinnes she would be the "Mama San" by now, and too old to work the stage anymore. She's half Phillipino by the way. Young Marines would marry those girls, until the Commandant put an end to that and made the girl and young hard-charger meet with his Commanding Officer for an interview to make sure it was love and not lust. She probably had more tricks tahn a show dog and poor Zac got pussy-whipped.

Anonymous said...

He's the prettiest girl in the picture! Thats not even a lie!

Anonymous said...

I actually think Amanda looks aweful with her baggy eyes...

Anonymous said...

Both look like they been up partyin' all night and day.
Z needs to go smoke a pole.
That's probably what he wants to do, anyway.
The chix is jus' camouflage.

Anonymous said...

She looks good to me. She can do better than that girlie boy. I think he should go hang with Tom and Will and find his true passion!

Anonymous said...

They'd crush him, Bill.
...crush him with luuuuuuv.

Anonymous said...

God, his hair is ridiculous. He's such a girly man.