Thursday, October 30, 2008

House Of Harlow, online

Nicole Richie's jewelry line, House Of Harlow, is now online. House Of Harlow black leather cuff, $125.00. Raises eyebrow...really? It looks like the thingamajig that holds my my coffee filter.


Anonymous said...

Ugly garbage. I love how these celebrities think they have some talent outside of what ever made them famous, which in her case is just being a dirty skank. Did she go to some design school that I'm not aware of?

Anonymous said...

Come on. That used to be Nicole's corset. Her waist size was my shoe size.

Anonymous said...

It's cute. But I bet Forever 21 has it for under $5! Who is gonna buy that expensive crap? She needed to take a lesson from Jessica Simpson and make things affordable for the masses. Nicols stuff wil knocked-off for cheap. Then we can all have some. Thats the name of the game people! Nicole needs to get her head out of her ass. People can't afford that shit!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she can get the GOP to take 'em on consignment.
Bible Spice would look better in one.

Anonymous said...

It looks like my napkin holders
