Denis Leary on Autism.."There is a huge boom in autism right now because inattentive mothers and competitive dads want an explanation for why their dumb-ass kids can't compete academically, so they throw money into the happy laps of shrinks … to get back diagnoses that help explain away the deficiencies of their junior morons. I don't give a [bleep] what these crackerjack whack jobs tell you — yer kid is NOT autistic. He's just stupid. Or lazy. Or both."
I'll bet you Jenny McCarthy's implants that fucker votes. Ask his inbred cousin, Ricky Thompson (see post below), you can find him at Wal-Mart's parking lot picking his nose and eating it.
i think he was referring to ADD and got confused?
whenever i read about autism, i think about travolta's oldest son who is locked away somewhere and they claim it's a carpet cleaner allergy...
If he ever has another kid, the kid better not be born autistic. The poor kid wouldn't stand a chance. Saying that would make me think that it would come back & bite me in the ass. But he's too cocky for that kind of moral thot.
MissTia...ya' think maybe? I didn't think of that. Hopefully he will make a correction. But it was still mean to say.
I think the majority of parents with Autistic kids including myself wish we had never heard of the word Autism. It is devasting and is the equivelant of being told you or someone you love has cancer. The main reason any of us sought out an answer was because our kid wasn't talking or still was wearing diapers at age 3 or 4....that isn't normal and it damn sure isn't because they are lazy. How can people be so ignorant in a world that is so advanced. I knew more about Autism than my son's doctor did. Usually it's teachers who suggest that children are autistic, not doctors...and 9 times out of ten they are right.
I hope he meant ADD. His comments reminds me of Michael Savage & his ignorance on the topic of Autism. 'Tis correct Anon 4:20.... I too wish I had never heard autism.
The man is a moron unto himself. He must've gone to the Tom Cruise school of I dun lurned it all by takin' nite clases. Yeah, he knows lots about the subject.
Pretty callous words - rude. Admittedly, the number of autistic kids has drastically increased in the last few years but that's due mostly to the addition of Asperger's Syndrome to the autistic spectrum. That covers *a lot* of diagnoses. I think some people are skeptical of it in the way that people are skeptical of ADD. Probably some truth on both sides, but if you have a special needs kid, you know it.
Particularly callous in that so many of his peers (some quite powerful) have Autistic children.
Just as 8:01 pointed out, he's just another crackpot celebrity following Tom Cruise' theory that being an actor makes you a qualified expert on a vast array of subject matter. At one time, stars kept to religion and politics, but nowadays they seem to enjoy positioning themselves as medical experts too! Can't they just STFU and act, sing, turn letters or tell jokes?
And 4:20, I'm sorry you even had to read Leary's ignorant and hateful rant.
(Best wishes for brighter days ahead!)
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