'He’s neither-nor,' said Ricky Thompson, a pipe fitter who works at a factory north of Mobile, while standing in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store just north of here. 'He’s other. It’s in the Bible. Come as one. Don’t create other breeds.'
I can't figure out who's stupider, the little air head celebrity teenagers who use the word "fuck" twenty times to get their little brain dead fans to vote for the "cool" dude or the obviously mentally deficient adults who think Obama will tear out the White House roses and plant a watermelon patch. They all need to go read up on the electoral college process and then kill themselves. Hopefully it will involve anal flame throwers and video cameras.
It's the sad truth. While our wonderful country guarantees us the right to vote, there is no minimum intelligence test to be able to vote, nor is there a requirement to have any grasp on reality.
The ignorance I have seen in the past few weeks is breathtaking. My all-time favorite is the older woman at the McCain rally who had the microphone, and couldn't come up with any other coherant thought, so she said that Obama is an Arab. It's completely untrue, of course, and it's also very sad.
Sadder still, is the fact that Obama could win the popular vote, but lose the election by electoral college, or have it decided by the supreme court.
Why do we even bother.
I received an email yesterday that has a couple of brain dead voters. If you go to You Tube, it's called Harlem Voters. Listen to it. These people are idiots! I won't tell you what was said, but it's very interesting.
Obama could win the popular vote thanks to the thousands of fraudulent registrations (thanks ACORN!) and no small thanks to the mainstream media. What do you know about Obama's college years?, or his thesis?, any criticism gets drowned out or branded racism. Yet we know EVERYTHING about the Palin's. Go figure.
That you tube "harlem voters" is great. It shows the situation we are in with ignorance and partisanship being the norm. We should have shorter term limits for all politicians, and the ability to vote on issues without lobbyists and PAC's being influential. Oh yeah-get rid of pork projects and earmarks too.
If we know EVERYTHING about SP, how's come every day bring more revelations about her?
Look, if you don't understand the ACORN situation, don't act like you do and talk about it. Look it up and create your own "talking points" you incurious mouthpieces. What is wrong with people that they hear something and then just repeat it over and over without delving a bit deeper to see if it's all, somewhat, or not at all true? Factcheck.org is a nice place to start. Or you can just keep on being boring puppets.
as far as i am concerned i only want obama (bin laden) to win for ONE reason. to shove it up all the racist bastards in america and the rest of the world. it will be MY ultimate revenge on all of them. he CAN"T do any worse that mc cain and palin or bush.... or even bin laden for that matter.
wow lia you have issues. Get help you nutbag.
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