WTF is he doing on Rolling Stone? What's next, Mad Magazine, TV Guide, Vogue? Cosmo is kaput or I'd expect to see his big eared mug on there in some Dolce and Garbage'. McCain uses images of ParAss and Britney, Sarah Palin is more worried about doing SNL than running a country and all of them suck the ass of every silly young celebrity in the world. They all need to shut the fuck up with this celebrity shit and figure out how to pull America's head out of it's broke ass. ParAss Hilton is starting to look more and more like a legitimate candidate.
Tax share derivatives in Wall Street. It's part of the grey area money making slush that financiers profit from and goes largely ignored. YPO (young president's) mantra is "make money from your exhaust"; a part of your business that goes ignored by you and someone else makes money from. Ralph Nader mentioned it in an interview with Bill O'Reilly. I am not emotional about politics, so please don't start a rant, but objectivelly speaking Ralph would make a great SEC Chairman because he hates Corporate waste and outlandish egotistical entitled greed, and big government fertilizes stagnant economies and discourages entrepeneurs.
Ralph Nader..worth listening to. Yep.
I like Ralph, too. Wish he was more viable as a candidate.
I'm still a Hillary supporter, but in the past week or so have made the decision to vote Obama, not just talk about it. I think he is intelligent enough to obtain the best guidance.
Actually, McCain did call Hillary for economic advice in the past few days, though. The report is that she listened to him, but was rather cool.
I still think she was and is the only one who could pull us out of this economic mess. She is far more intelligent than anyone gives her credit for.
He looks like Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger in this picture.
I voted yesterday. I always vote absentee beacuse I am too lazy to go to the actual poll to vote. Obama got my vote but I was tempted to vote Nader - but then thought it would be a wasted vote.
If you live in California remember to vote No on prop 8.
I am curious to se if Obama gets elected how quickly he will go back on his campaign promises as he did in the primaries. Says one thing and votes another, when and if he takes a position and doesn't just vote "present". He probabaly caries a picture of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in his pocket and lights votive cansles to Che Guevara. Whatever, though, I too wish Ralph Nader had more support.
We live in a country with over three hundred million people, and again we seem to be going to the polls to vote for the lesser of two evils. Shame on them and shame on us for settling once again. And to us in the west, it really doesn't make a lot of difference anyway, the election is already decided before it gets to us.
Throw some dreds on the boy and you've got Whoopi Goldberg.
I'm tellin' ya!!!! I am sooo writing in Paris Hilton!!!
the congress & senate would shut our Ralph Nader in all his endeavors. They don't want someone in there thats not in their control. Somone would have him killed.
Wait!!! Cosmo is gone? I just bought Octobers copy. I did hear that Cosmo Girl is gone. But Cosmo??? Wow! Not my Cosmo!
Well, it looks like Obama just might have the electoral votes.
Hmmmm, now why do you suppose a presidential candidate would be on the cover of Rolling Stone? I mean, it's only read by the 18-35 year olds and they barely vote. Nope, can't think of one good reason. I wonder if there is a way to mobilize them to vote...maybe get them excited about and familiar with a young, smart candidate? Nah. McCain's interview in Radar was pretty good.
Wasn't Bill Clinton on the cover, too?
Yawn...Doesnt matter who wins. They both suck. Neither one should be president. I usually vote rep. But I think Hillary should be prez. But the press turned on her for the minority option. Now we are fucked again. Obama is a black Bush.
Yup, he's a black Bush. You nailed it. He sounds just like George Bush, Jr and Sr. He's practically a carbon copy of him/them. It's like he's reading recycled speeches when he talks. You have opened my eyes so much and you have done such a great job researching and being aware of all the news available to you. Thank you. What's your full name? I want to write you in for President on my ballot.
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