Thursday, October 30, 2008

Elizabeth Bathory, a true vampire

Elizabeth Bathory was a true vampire who was born in 1560, and lived most of her life in the late Sixteenth Century. The Hungarian Countess is now known as The Blood Countess. A serial killer with power who tortured and murdered over 600 girls in her castle of horror, Elizabeth drank their blood and bathed in it to keep herself young. Look her up if you want to read true horror. Her castle still stands and her reign of terror lives on in history..frightening beyond belief, because it's all true.


Anonymous said...

Why'd she torture them first?
In order to get some adrenalin and endorphins into the blood?
Mmmmm...heady aroma...delicate bouquet...

Anonymous said...

Don't give Sharon Stone any ideas.

Anonymous said...

Stone would freak 'em, skin 'em, eat 'em, and masturbate with their thigh bones.

Angi said...

THAT was the first vampire store I ever read when I was teen........many years ago.

Anonymous said...

Either the History Channel or A&E or one of those channels has a historical documentary on this chick that they air now and then. Watch it if you get the chance, it's horrendously good.

Anonymous said...

I read about this person once. What a freak! Odd that the local townspeople didn't come for her and string her up.

Anonymous said...

and because of her position she wasn't given the penalty but imprisoned in a castle...

miss tia

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she was royalty so that probably protected her. An cousin or uncle or someone was King of Poland, I think.

Anonymous said...

3 pumpkins! Is that a scotty dog I see there? We have scotties too! Best doggies ever born. Sweetest things and so fun & cute! Sorry to get off subject. This is kinda serious on here eh?

Anonymous said...

Not quite a Scotty. Mine is a Cairn Terrier, but they are very closely related. Toto on the Wiz of Oz was a Cairn. Yes, very sweet dog, but she can shred a phone book in a matter of moments as I discovered yesterday when I came home from work!

Anonymous said...

well, most of the story about her was progapanda.

How many she really killed and how will always be a mystery.

Corina said...

Speking of "true" vampires... I read an AWESOME book recently concerning the real "drackula". It's called teh Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.. highly recommend it! :)

Unknown said...

I've heard about her before, but now I remember the story

Hey Dishy thanks for sharing all this stories with us!!!!! You are awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Can someone provide a link to a good site with details on Bathory?
I Googled her but the list was endless--- I didn't know where to begin!

Anonymous said...

Check out the new book that's out about Elizabeth Bathory. It's called, "Bathory: Memoir of a Countess" ISBN 1439201749. Torture, sex, all mixed with history. I found it entertaining, and it has a resource section in the back to find out more about her. Also, checkout the wiki article on her as it provides some good links.

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much, Anon 2:19, for taking the time to respond.
I've bought the book and have checked out the wiki article/links--- tons of excellent (and free!) material there.

The story of EB has sunk it's teeth into me and won't let go! lol...