Holly got all pissy about Hef's new twin girl friends, Karissa Weenersucker and Kristina Weenersucker, telling E, “Well, I worked with them on their Playmate pictorial and obviously I need to get better at doing my background checks, right? You know, we ask on the application, ‘Have you ever been arrested or convicted?’ and they said no, so I took that at face value, but if Hef doesn’t care, than who am I to care, right?” Her lip was all snerled up when she said it and she rolled her eyes...Hol is the queen of plastic snark.
What application? The one where you beg to suck rich old man peen? I have no doubt there is an application form for Hef humping. Intelligence is a huge factor, like, I'm sure, you know, like, you know, like, uh uh uhuhuhuhuhuhuh.
Think maybe " in limbo" means she is still praying to Cheezus that Hef will realize 'what he's losing' & beg her to stay? Like how some chicks go out of their way to make their man or ex man jealous in hopes that they'll see them & get all flustered, begging them to return?
" Im gonna put Criss Angel on my Top 8! So there!! Look! We're going to Villa together! Look what you gave up, Puffin-asshole!"
Ok, so i hate her and stuff.
LOL @ Cheezus.
No more gravy train? What? Or is she still "employed" by Playboy?
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