Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Joss Stone is channeling Janis Joplin

That freaked me out a little. WTF?


Anonymous said...

As long as she stays away from the Southern Comfort and the needle!

Anonymous said...

thats always been the speculation from the beginning. Also, that she will star in the bio-flick of Janis. Thats never happened. I'm sure she gets-off on the comparison. I loved Janis, was sad the day she died. This chick ain't no Janis!!! She wishes!

Anonymous said...

again are NOT 19 years old. What 19 year old would know that shit about her? Stop lying to us jer. :(

Anonymous said...

The context of the post to which you are referring included Ne-Ne and Sheree and lying about ages.
DD: "When Kim said she was 28, I almost sucked a SweetTart down my windpipe. That twat is at least 50."
I didn't mean to mislead anyone about my youth and inexperience. 22, why should I?

Dirty Disher said...

I thought everyone knew that. Sadly, Janis had gone straight and was engaged when she died. According to bio's, she'd decided to have one last night of party but her friends didn't show up. She did the drugs alone and they were not cut. Her new healthier self couldn't handle the purity and she died alone in the Landmark Hotel in Hollywood. Ironically, for me, in the same hotel room my son lived in shortly before he came home for the last time in April. They have changed the name to The Highland Gardens Hotel now. I had begged my son to leave that room and find another place, but, he refused. He did make it home for awhile. Eric, a professional musician, passed away April 26th, 2008. Some of his things, however, were still at The Landmark. Sooo, yeah, Janis related stories interest me even more now and Joss looking so much like her is..freaky.

Anonymous said...

Janis was a short girl, Joss is really tall. She does remind one of Janis, is a vague way. I think she tries to emulate her. I LOVED Janis' big smile tho. She was nutty and so funny sometimes. Steven Tyler has ripped her off big time! So did Axl Rose with his swaying & singing. She was just cools, as-is. She didn't pretend to be Janis Joplin. Now lets all pray for new culuurr Tee-Vees!!

Anonymous said...

Very odd story about Eric & Janis & the same hotel room. Wow! Thats spooky. Some wild sh** probably went down in that hotel room back in the day! He probably LOVED that room DD. Being an artists also esp. Thats actually cool DD.

Dirty Disher said...

In a way it's cool. I understood why he was there though. He'd had a premonition of his own death and was looking for some proof of the afterlife. I wanted him to stop it. I hoped that if he stopped thinking about it, it would go away.

Dirty Disher said...

Today seems to be DD's therapy in comments. I have to go to work guys have a good day.

Anonymous said...

I think that a spirit may be able to permeate a place with emotions and such.
BTW, on the back cover of the Blood Sweat & Tears album, Child Is Father To The Man, the notes mention that the "scream" "Well, alright!", in the song I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know, which is sung a lot by Paul Shaffer, on Letterman, was inspired by Janis Joplin of San Francisco.
Cool song, though.
...and, yes, I bought it new, when it first came out on 33 1/3 RPM 12-inch vinyl.

Anonymous said...

Loved Janis back in the day and love her still. Everytime I hear her old songs I can remember seeing her live. That was really something else.

Anonymous said...

I missed her concerts.
Alway something else would come around.
I figured that she was so big that she would be around plenty long enough to see one.
Same with The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, and Dean Martin.

Anonymous said...

jer, you gotta stop yankin' our chains here! Yeah, yeah, go ahead & laugh. Like i said before "what does a 19 year old know?" LOL!!! I'm 19 too. We all are 19.

Anonymous said...

This woman is far prettier than was poor Janis, let's be honest. There would have to be a lot of make-up tricks (and talent tricks) to make this one fool those of us who actually were alive when Janis was around.