Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kate Gosselin, this is just one of the reasons people don't like her

This is the episode where little Joel gets pretty sick and all Kate can do is harp on how she's "bogged down" with laundry, even though she admits and the vid shows, she doesn't fold, sort or put away laundry. She has help for that..every time. She gets upset that Joel (the least fav kid, the one they think is gay) makes a mess for her so she makes the kid lay on the hard laundry room floor, with the machines running and leaves him there alone. Jon comes home and goes straight to Joel and says "He's burning up." Then he moves the poor kid to the bedroom and comforts him.


Anonymous said...

Good God lady, put up or shut up. She should be happy all eight of them weren't puking.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid person. Of course they'll keep puking if you keep feeding them. They need to abstain from food when they're so unwell.

Low IQ. What hope for those kids?

Anonymous said...

I felt sorry for the little one that was sick.

I never left my son alone for that long of a period without checking on him or holding him.


Anonymous said...

I felt sorry for the little one that was sick.

I never left my son alone for that long of a period without checking on him or holding him.


Anonymous said...

God, what a cold bitch!

How can someone leave a sick little kid lying on the floor?

She didn't even hold him, didn't make an effort to comfort him at all!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's why we hate Kate. And that's why some of us hold out hope for Jon. If he'd just step up to the plate for once in his life and take charge of the situation the kids would be so much better off. But he won't.

Anonymous said...

Looks like child abuse to me. I never watch the show but did watch this clip. Who on earth would be so cold and ignorant as to leave a sick little boy lying on the laundry room floor?
Those kids deserve better than these schmucks for parents.

Anonymous said...

I think this bitch should have to lay on the floor when she's sick. What a heartless bitch. You feel bad enough when your sick to be drug around the house and have somebody bitching and moaning at you and put your aching body on a hard ass floor. Take this skank off the air already!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She certainly isn't the loving cuddly mothering type is she. I doubt she realizes how cold and unfeeling she comes across as. Most self absorbed types don't.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the laundry roomm where we keep dogs when they have puppies?
Is this kid a dog?

Wouldn't this be considered cruel?
If there is no other bed, wouldn't the floor of mom and dad's bathrom be a little closer to them at night in case he needs help!

I don't watch----she is a bitch!!!!

Anonymous said...

If these people get all these "freebies", perhaps Jon can get some BALLS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm more shocked that it took so many posts (Thank You, 3:54) for ONE of you to address the fact that the child was left ~ILL~ on the FUCKING FLOOR OF A LAUNDRY ROOM!

And YES, 4:34. Kate Gosselin's behavior was tantamount to child abuse. Check this out and tell me you don't see that sadistic bitch's behavior again and again:

I shudder to think what must go on in that Hell House when the cameras aren't around!

Anonymous said...

"I shudder to think what must go on in that Hell House when the cameras aren't around!"

my thoughts EXACTLY.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch the show. But, her behavior is sickening. Absolutely sickening. It breaks my heart. That poor little boy.

This woman has no soul.

Anonymous said...

It's not like she has any excuse...she's a nurse and knows better.

Anonymous said...

You know I stopped watching this show because that woman infuriated me so much and now I'm pissed all over again. I know I just shouldn't read the posts but I can't help it, I'm addicted to DD.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as the perfect parent, but there are shitty ones and this poor kid seems to have drawn a bummer. I cannot imagine being sick and having to lay on a cold hard floor. Most people would do more for a sick dog then this woman does for her child. I have never seen this show, nor would I watch it. When this woman is old and feeble I hope this kid remembers how he was treated and returns the favor.

Libby said...

Excuse me Kate you take your laundry down to the river and pound it on rocks? No? Well then shut up about the laundry...she never quits complaining about laundry. She has 2 automatic washing machines, she doesn't (by her own admission) fold, iron, or put away laundry. So what the heck does she do...put it in the machine and push the button? Ya, that is such taxing labor!

Anonymous said...

KG is the Mommy Dearest of 2008

Anonymous said...

Hate to play Devil's advocate, but as a loving & devoted mom of 3 ( all under 6) I can see Kate as just another realistic mom.
Sure the laundry room seems a little cruel. In fact , i felt awful for the poor baby down there all by himself. She does represent the self centered type-A kind of women i can't typically stand, but i think she's pretty overwhelmed & a little burnt out.
Should have stopped at three kids...maybe 5?
The hubby is very passive . I always wonder why the sweet & considerate men go for the overbearing obnoxious type of women???

But yeah...the parenting thing ( i'm rambling)
I see her as realistic. kids can drive you a tad bit loco at times & you wont always look like June effing cleaver. I dont like her, but i dont HATE her. i "nothing" her.

Anonymous said...

No, i'd NEVER leave my sick babies alone. I always risk getting myself sick just to hold them. My mom used to tell me to basically go to my room unil i felt better. I vowed AS A KID that i'd NEVER do that to my kids.
I'm obsessed with them when they need me..
But then, my kids are my life. it happens every once in awhile I need a break too....& thats when i go for a drive or walk my dog at the lake. I feel better & i come home a happier baggage free mom.
In Kate's situation, i see someone who has media attention & wants it focused on her, so the kids can easily take a back burner.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I think the kids totally take a back burner when it comes to her and her attention seeking. It is obvious that her two eldest are not happy about all of this. According to the People article, the girls sometimes get teased at school. That is where I, as the parent, would pull the plug on the show. At first, I agreed with the show because I realized they needed money, but it has gotten a little out of control. And now the talk of them adopting...that is just NUTS. She is always complaining abouh how hard it is with 8..what the heck are they thinking.

Dirty Disher said...

No one mentioned how much it would hurt your head to lay there with 4 machines grinding while you're sick.

Anonymous said...

The sound of the machines was probably a relief from his mom bitching about what a mess he made.....

Anonymous said...

Kate will have one less responsibility soon as you could tell she was excited about Maddie cooking. People keep talking about her being burnt out, having 8
kids, etc. but she doesn't. How can you be burnt out when you don't do anything? It's all done for her. What exactly does this woman do other than boss Jon around. What a pansy!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same soothing & comforting the humm of those machines must have been, drowning out everything and HER! I didn't watch the clip, I might have to later! This oisn't the type of thinmg CPS wants to hear about when a couple tries to adopt, like they have said they would like to do. I would imagine any case worker would have to tell them to just take care of their own kids, they have plenty to do w/o adding another child to the mix. And THAT would be only for ratings!

Anonymous said...

I watched it with the sound "off". I was thinking that she probably out him in there while she was in there working, so she'd be nearby if he got sick, and she could hear him. But then the light is off in there when Jon comes home & the baby is still in there on the floor! She should have moved him into the LR when she was in the kitchen. She kinda sux as a mommy. Even with 2 other ppl to help her keep her laundry done, she still bitches? And that doesn't even count the housekeepers and yard ppl and cooks etc. If they do have nanny's, where were they? I think they would have taken better more urgent care of the child. They probably all got it anyway, then she had stinky puke all over the house!!!

Rachel said...

Kate's a bitch. Anybody who would leave their sick baby on the cold, hard floor with all those machines running is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

What a biotch. She got mad for something he couldn't help. STUPID MOTHER. Child abuse is against the law you know, idiot woman!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that all of you just have waaaayy to much time on your hands and need to stop ragging on Kate and how shes dealing with haveing 8 children. I get that some things she does seem harsh but put yourself in the position of being at home with 8 kids. If she was to dedicate all her time to little Joel the rest of the kids would get into god knows what and rip that house apart. And for some of you to say shes a bad mother and not even watch the show blows my friggin mind. How can you honestly say anything bad about a woman that you never even actually saw in action. Just a clip that was posted stating that she was a bad mother. I watch the show faithfully. And i have 3 kids of my own. I think Kate is wonderful and her and John both have the kind of relationship that only anyone else would strive for after the pressures of 8 children. Most men would run away.. it makes me laugh to think any of you could do what Kate does every day without wanting to lose your effin minds!!!!!

Anonymous said...

to "anonymous" defending kate and how "hard it is" having 8 kids. PLEASE. my mom had nine. we were ALWAYS loved and treated kindly especially when sick. and she didn't have a maid/nanny/cook, etc. and my dad didn't help around the house cuz he had a real job (unlike jon). kate has no excuse. that was cruel. I would never do that to my sick baby, I don't care how exhausted I am

Addie's Nana said...

Wow, Kate is a real witch. I cannot believe how much Jon takes from her. How arrogant she is and she better watch it or soon the show will be called Jon takes off.

Anonymous said...

UUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH...I seriously don't see how people like her get married. I cannot stand her...I don't see how her husband or anyone else for that matter can stand to be around her.

Anonymous said...

i cant imagine leaving my puking son, alone, on the floor in a laundry room of all places...also, could the woman poss. do anything on her own??? she even pays people to teach her daughters how to cook.

Anonymous said...

Kate seems incapable of nurturing her kids on their terms. Its easy to pretend to nurture kids as long as you do it on your own terms....that's what absentee parents call "quality time". Even when her poor little kid is sick as a dog, she doesn't see that as the main problem...she sees her laundry as the problem. She is absolutely insufferable. Its all about her. Jon lets her get away with it, too. He needs to assert himself around the house, not just with the girl's volleyball team.

Insufferable yuppies with an unbelievable sense of self centered entitlement.

Anonymous said...

I want to punch Kate Gosselin in her frickin' polycystic ovaries.

Ted said...

This show has overtaken any "reality" there might have been with the Gosselins. Without the show, they wouldn't have the mansion or all the other stuff. She and Jon are just actors on a TV show. The kids need their own agent.

This show is no more real than The Brady Bunch. And at least the Brady Bunch faked some good values and strong relationships.

Anonymous said...

Kate Gosselin is a dirty C*NT. She is a self obsessed drama queen. She is a walking yeast infection. I hope Jon is cheating on her. Shame on him for being such a pussy foot wimp. He has no self respect, unless he does the right thing by putting that used PMS rag in place. I hope the 8 kids grow up to hate her for her evil, odius ways. Oh God, the whole world evolves around her.If they ever remake the movie Mommy Dearest, I couldn't think of a better person than Kate Gosselin to play the evil mother. This bitch has practice.

Diane Shiffer said...

oh my Lord! my heart was just breaking watching this... when that tiny child had been sick in bed, she started yelling at him and pulled him out of bed by his arms. all the while going on and on about how awful it is to have to do all that "extra" laundry.

you know, one of my kids had something called "cyclic vomiting syndrome"... basically the child just vomits continually for hours on end. i am no saint but i used to spend those hours holding my child, with towels draped over me to catch some as much of the vomit as possible. it would never have even occurred to me to leave her alone.

yet there kate was, blithely cooking away in the kitchen and dishing out cake while he was all alone in that laundry room. in the dark. with the door closed. this just makes me so so sad:(

trailer park queen said...

LOL @ Kate's new book, "Eight Little Faces". Yeah, EIGHT LITTLE FACES ON A MILK CARTON when they're old enough to run away from home to escape this BITCH!!

shari said...

Someone stop this awful person now!!! I swear if I hear her say one more time that everything she does is for her kids, I'm gonna puke. I'm 42 years old and I have never in my life been near someone like her-thank god!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

GAH!!!!! She is such a wicked bitch! ...and TO KATE if you do ever read these kinda things , no matter what you want to think about your self, you know you did something wrong when with one ten minute clip there are 40 something people to call you a BITCH!

Unknown said...

GAH!!!!! She is such a wicked bitch! ...and TO KATE if you do ever read these kinda things , no matter what you want to think about your self, you know you did something wrong when with one ten minute clip there are 40 something people to call you a BITCH!

Anonymous said...

Wow...she's actually hard to watch. How can she complain that she has so much to do, when all she has to do is stick the laundry into the machines? There are people in this country with five or six kids who don't have the luxury of in-home help. I really don't know if she herself is truly an adult.