Friday, October 31, 2008

Larry Birkhead continues to believe he's a celebrity

Birkhead is moving out of the Coldwater canyon house that belonged to Anna Nicole and he's taking the only reason people look at him, with him. He let Life And Style watch him pack pink boxes of Anna girly shit and drape tulle over photos of his dearly departed in an attempt at artistic melancholy. He keeps all this classy stuff so he can show Dannielynn how "beautiful and glamorous" her mother was. There are many Anna Nicole moments caught on tape, most of them wouldn't be called glamorous. Larry would like to have another baby. Good luck with that, dude. Maybe Howard will donate an egg.


Anonymous said...

Anna was such a "betty"...where is Larry's pink ensemble? he doesn't match all the other stuff. I thot pink was his fav? That is a retarded picture.

Whats his deal? Does he work? Is he moving back to KY? Is it because of his job? Is the money running out? & they have to sell everything & the house?

Anonymous said...

I think his job is being the father of AN's baby girl, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. Why doesn't he try to raise the little girl to be more than a pretty face and, you know, get her a good education and use her money to enrich her life instead of making her live in the past. She'll read what kind of life her mother led soon enough. Good Grief!

Anonymous said...

"Does he work?"

He certainly does. He works overtime dreaming up new and creative ideas for Life 'n Style ragazine cover stories featuring himself and the "Almighty Spawn of Anna Nicole Smith". 250K a shoot doesn't go very far in Hollywood these days...

It's amazing how today you can become rich and famous just by your association with someone well-known and either writing about it, having a child by them, or accusing them of something "scandalous"...

Larry was just a run-of-the-mill, penniless photog who 'got lucky' by meeting ANS at the Kentucky Derby a few years back. Their relationship was OVER and that might have been the end of it-- had she not died.

She wasn't personally wealthy at all... (the "big money" case with the heirs to the Marshall fortune is nowhere near it's completion-- if their lucky, it will never be settled!) and even though "Dannielynn" inherited what her mother *did* have, Larry's made the big bucks by pimping out his daughter... er, I mean, allowing various checkstand magazines into their home for photos and stories on "Life beyond Anna Nicole".

I hope he and Dannielynn ARE returning to Kentucky. Bringing up that child in the atmosphere of Hollywood today is tantamount to neglect, imo.

Anonymous said...

That is soo tacky and sad! The process of packing up Anna's stuff should have been a private one. Sick.