Monday, October 20, 2008

New Weekly headline

Knock, knock...who's there? Alternative/pop/rock/blues star and over paid chick flick queen with biological clock ticking's fetus. Lets knit some booties.


Anonymous said...

John could just deny the baby and say he was trapped by the crazy bitch. Next he can move in with Tom Brady and start a reality show about the pitfalls of being moderately succesful and playing the field. Now that the Patriots can't tape the opposing team's defensive plays anymore, maybe we'll see Tom knocked down a few notches and start to date John's left overs. Gisselle needs a starter! She can't date a back-up; that's Jessica Simpson's usurping ass' field.

Anonymous said...

She's preg? No way DD! I will believe this when I see her say it!

Anonymous said...

I'm w/ anon 2:31...When I see the bump, maybe I'll buy this story.

I hope it's true, though. They'd make cute babies.

Anonymous said...

PS. that bump on the cover is soooo fake!!!

Anonymous said...

I find it difficult to believe, too. I can believe that she might want a baby in some abstract, longing for something you will never take action on, way, but to give your body to that idea? I'll believe it when I see a growing bump. I think she perfects her body constantly, and to allow a baby to stretch her into a new shape might be too much for her to handle. Time will tell.