Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pink doesn't get John Mayer

Pink met John Mayer at a party, and he started bragging about the women he'd slept with..a sure fire way to get a gal interested in you, right? Pink: ''I got into an argument with him.
I don’t believe him as much as he believes him. He said something along the lines of, 'I only shag really stupid women.'
"And I said, ‘I guess they would have to be.’ I don’t get him at all."
I think maybe it was his idea of humor...or he's a douche. Aniston can sort it all out. The image up there? Oh, I got the story from The Sun and went typed in "Pink" to get a pic. The list of stupid pink things was endless, so I typed in "Pink the singer" thinking that would narrow it down. The "crafty" sticker made me smile.


Anonymous said...

As a man and succesful shagger in my bachelor days I'd have to agree with Pink. John is immature and full of himself. You can see it when he makes contact with the paparazzi; his eyes light up and probably gets a chubby. Jennifer is lonely and wants a man, but she hooked up with a child. She should hang out with Linda Hogan and meet some of Charlie's friends.

Anonymous said...

Pink wrote songs referring to Jessica Simpson ( like STUPID GIRL ) I think he was cracking on that.

As for J.A, I really do not think she is as lonely or STUPID! as the haters would like everyone to believe. I agree John Mayer is a waste of time but maybe he is good in the sack. The last time I checked,women did not have to settle for one guy. J.A has been seen with Gerard Butler too.

Anonymous said...

Gerard Butler would ba great guy for Jen. A real man. JM seems like a horny college kid to me. His comments are so stupid. Who's he talking about being stupid? He's the idiot! Now they all need to come together & tell the world that "Yes, we were stupid to date a cheting, lying, full of himself asshole that has a small pee-pee"! Thats what Britney Murphy did when she & Ashton broke up. & I have never forgotten that! & that was on Leno! Even if it was a lie (i believe her tho) it has to kill the guy! LOL! Yeah, Gerard is cool..she should stick to dating men. Not boys.

Anonymous said...

Yea, he was sooo trying to get Pink in the sack! But she's not stupid, so no chance of that happening! I loved her comeback line. Perfect exit line Pink! She is awesome. Carey needs to woo her back. They were a great couple. He's in her new video, obviously he still sees her. Get with it dude. Pink is a great girl. He'd be lucky to get her back. She doesn't take his shit probably.

Anonymous said...

1:05, I couldn't agree more! wtf? is J.A wasting her time with John Mayer???

I think J.A has the worst taste in men :( and so does Angelina Jolie. ( snickering ) lol!

Roxanne said...

I think J.A has the worst taste in men :( and so does Angelina Jolie. ( snickering ) lol!

October 30, 2008 2:25:00 PM GST

Well, that would go without saying, eh?

Anonymous said...

Ever seen a dog go after a cat?
Even a big dog and a small cat.
That cat jumps up on th' dogs back and diggz inn.
Dog don't gotta chance.
A racoon can flip a black and tan over his shoulder.
JM better be glad she just laughed it off.
Pink will cut you do qweek!

Anonymous said...

...that's so. quick.
Pink will cut you so qweek!
My left hand ring finger's tongue got in the way of its eye tooth and it couldn't see what it was typing.

(Thank you, Dean Martin.)