Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Split confirmed

Madonna and Guy Richie have split, they have made a joint statment today..divorce is pending, they would like privacy at this time. Okay then, Guy would also like his testicles back. A guy can dream.


Anonymous said...

He wanted to be the man in the relationship but she wouldn't let him. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Guy can contact Jon Gosselin and give him the secret to reclaiming manhood. That would be a good international move, Guy, when you get yourself together (no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

He must really have loved her to have lasted this long. Hope he gets the castle.

Anonymous said...

Madge has always had that witchy look to her. In this view check out the nose. Being so bony and wrinkled now she could have a second career playing one of the witches in McBeth (and no make-up required).

Anonymous said...

he's getting at least $100 million! I think that will put back intact his testicles!!! I think it's fabulous. He can now be who hw is not what she wants him to be! Her bitch! She is def with A-Rod as well. They are not hiding it anymore, were spotted out to dinner last night in NYC, cozy as hell! What a whore!!! Her too!! At least we know A-Rod doesn't need her money!

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the prenup was?

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking stuff, eh.
I think I'll watch Loving Annabelle, again, and try...
...try to forget.

Anonymous said...

i guess they have been faking it for years and have not been a couple for over a year. This divorce is HIS idea according to sources. Good idea too dude! Take the money & get the heck outta Dodge! I am on his side. I think Guy has tried to stay with her & she just wasn't willing to be a true partner. He was Mr. Madonna and a man can't live like that. I also believe she did hurt his film making career. I think he's getting that back on track too. Shes too old for him anyway. He needs a hot young thing! Go Guy!!

Anonymous said...

When Guy and Madonna married, I recall a journalist asking him about "the pre-nup"... (at the time it's existence hadn't been confirmed one way or the other)

In any case, Guy's response was: "If we ever split, I won't take her money... matter of fact, I'll pay *HER*."

That's pretty goddamned unforgettable, eh? A man from rather modest means (comparitively speaking), about to marry one of the world's wealthiest and most famous of women-- going on record that he'd pay HER alimony, child support, etc, in the event of a split. Looks like he checked his balls at the church door.

Well, no matter. The fat settlement he didn't want should help to re-attach 'em.

Anonymous said...

There was NO pre-nup. He could get 1/2 of her 1/2 billion+ dollars! But reports say he won't and it will be reasonable. Of course if it was the other way around, she'd clean out his bank acct! He's just being a British gentleman and a good father. She's going to have A-Rods money now too. They won't be po'. Everybody wins, IMO. Plus, Guy gets rid of her & her gnarly arms!

Anonymous said...

Sherlock Holmes will put Guy back on the map anyway, he won't need her money pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Guy needs someone young and human.

Anonymous said...

'never said there *was* a pre-nup. That's why I used quote marks; "the pre-nup".

It was just always assumed there was, and journalists were hot to discover the terms.