Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still in love, Shrinkidink and Azz

Benji continues to shrink. I told you! His dick is probably non existent at the rate he's losing inches. Soon she'll be patting him on the head as she shoves him into the carrier with Tinkerbell the second.


Anonymous said...

What is appealing about this guy? Forgive me for not knowing him other than P's current boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

The fact that he is her old BFF's brother is what attracts Paris to this guy. She is so shallow and pathetic. Now he is poxed by that petri dish she hides under her skirt and has to pop Valtrex out of a Pez dispenser.

Anonymous said...

I think she's in the closet.
Itty-bitty, teenie-weenie or king-size probably don't matter too mucho, y'know.
This dude's prolly a smokescreen, ennyhoo.

Anonymous said...

Benji Madden (5ft 5.75in), Joel Madden (5ft 7in)

Dang! DD, those guys are just short. Thats all there is to it! I am taller than them! My daughter is taller than them too! Who isn't taller thn them? LOL!

Dirty Disher said...

Uhhh, me. I be short.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a mean little cuss, doesn't he? Sorta the Tom C. Napoleonic asshole syndrome.