Judge: “Unfortunately, the problem caused by Mother’s overreactions is painfully real for this child. If Mother has, in fact, limited her career to make herself available for Roan, she has done little to make this evident to Roan, his school or this Court.”
Cripes! What mom wants her little kid injected with poison because his feet stink?? Don't all boys have stinky feet? Gawd, she's mental. I'm sorry, Roan, sorry you got adopted by some rich fruit cake who needs her head examined.
She tries so hard now to be relevant that it comes across as desperate. Having her picture taken with younger men and claiming to be good friends with the Dalai Lama etc. She flashes that worn out poon and hopes for the same reaction she got twenty years ago. Pack it up ho and try to save some dignity.
is anyone going to investigate, check up on the 2 kids she still has in her custody????
She adopted them on her own..they have no one to protest for them.
We might just have found our generations version of "Mommy Dearest".
She's insane, thats all. But she's rich? Not from her work, maybe from a divorce!
Actually botox injections are a well known and used treatment for excessive sweating, sweating in area's where theres lack of air circulation such as feet, underarms and groin produces highlevel of odor and stains. But i'd question it being used on a younger kid without Dr ok (it is used on some teens), this kid could have other skin conditions that the profuse sweating is aggrivating or making worse. It's not as far fetched and unreasonable as you might think.
Oh, crap, just wash his feet! Use a little teatree oil and baking soda.
Wtf is up with people who don't know how to clean anything? They only know how to spray Febreze around, which is an extremely toxic concoction of nerve paralyzers and chemical scents, and which doesn't CLEAN anything.
She's a walking, talking moron. No surprise, her face and expressions give it away.
I think tea tree oil gives young males boobies.
That and lavender, too.
Sandals and fresh air.
Clean, dry, cotton socks.
Frequent foot washing.
A little baking soda.
Maybe, some bromidrosis-strength footpowder from time-to-time.
...but, back surgery?
I'd get a second opinion.
Is she into Scientology?
she is totally losing it. That is just awful for her to even suggest or want that for her child.
I'm sorry, I couldn't get through this post because all I could think was 'how many friggin' fanny packs does she need?! And who still wears fanny packs!? She MUST be the mom from Hell.'
Great now my wife will be trying to get my feet injected. Thanks Shaoron
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