Monday, October 20, 2008

What the fucking fuck?

If there's one thing weirder then the Scientologists, it's Scientology protesters. Look at the sign.."Run, Katie, Run (and take Beck with you!)" Obviously the Dirty Disher was ignorant of the fact that All My Sons is a musical with scores written by the same dude who penned the classic "It's just the shit-kickin', speed-taking' truck-driving' neighbors downstairs."


Jess said...

I LOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEE Beck. But as Nathan says, isn't it kind of hard to take someone seriously when they're a Scientologist? I don't know. I still love him. Apparently, he's in the Scientology Bible or something. A lot of good peeps are Scientologists that don't come off as totally insane: Giovanni Ribisi, Jason Lee...I just wonder, why?!

Anonymous said...

These are probably members of Anonymous (note the V-mask in the background). I'm glad someone is out there protesting and letting people, regular people, know there is a danger in this group. Celebrities are treated much differently than are their regular worker bees. Some of those have died very hard, painful deaths while medical treatment was denied them by the sinos.

Have you ever heard of the silent births that TC insisted Katie follow? They want the mother silent as she gives birth because they think that is better for the baby's psyche or some damn thing. I can tell you that, having given birth myself, there is a fat chance in hell that anyone could convince me to be silent. Easy for the men to say, right?

Dirty Disher said...

I just don't get the Beck thing at All My Sons, I think they're stupid. Look at that woman. Fuck it..let's talk about how totally hot Giovanni Ribisi is. I love that dude.

Jess said...

Oooh yeah. I just watched 'The Dog Problem' with him in it....mmmm hmmm. :-p

Dirty Disher said...

Ohhh, another movie to add to my list. TY!

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, and what did you think of Boiler Room? I thought I wouldn't like it, but, it was so good I bought it so I can watch it once a year.

Jess said...

Ooh, haven't seen it! Will have to check it out. I caught 'The Dog Problem' On Demand, but if you can find it anywhere you totally have to check it out. You know I love pups, and the dog in that movie is AWESOME. :)

Anonymous said...

Giovanni Ribisi? The guy that played the "slow" boyfriend on "the Other Sister"? He's too cute.

"And...she does NOT have hat-hair!"

Love that guy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot DD- I have had that song in my head all day ( ;