Sunday, October 12, 2008


Conversation with the 4 year old, last night while we were putting up decorations..

Her: "You are a dark soooooul. I think I will call you.....Pain."

Me: "Oh? How about I call you "Pain In My Butt?"

Her: "I think I will call you...Lollypop."

Me: "That's better."


Anonymous said...

omg I needed that DD - thanks. Man I laughed and laughed. She is truly a hoot and I loved your response back to her too.

You guys are very precious to each other.


Take care "lollypop"

Anonymous said...

lol...that's hilarious. You've got your hands full!

Anonymous said...

LOL love hearing about this kid, Sundays rule DD.

Anonymous said...

call the lollypop guild from the wizard of oz!

Anonymous said...

"Lollypop, Lollypop oh Lolly, Lolly pop...Lollypop..." I won't be able to think of anything else all day. I love that kid! She's great.

Dirty Disher said...

Cute song, but, I later found out she likes that nasty rap lolly version.

Anonymous said...

what? I never heard of it. Of course somebody has to dirty up everything!