Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Angelina...is she pregnant?

In Touch claims to have some inside info concerning Jolie..they say a source close to the production of Salt, which stars Angie, have confirmed that she is pregnant again and the filming will be moved up to accommodate her pregnancy. Yesterday, in London, she confirmed her role in Salt, she's replacing Tom Cruise, which is a story in itself, but, when paps asked her if she's pregnant, both she and Brad got a little grumpy and refused to answer. If she's not pregnant, why didn't she just laugh and say no? And why do I care? I guess it's because it's such a huge undertaking for a woman, I mean, your body is going to be out of commission for at least a year. It's so...strange. Maybe another pregnancy is what's behind all her talk of retirement. Okay, you guys figure this out. It's a free country, I guess, she can do whatever makes her happy. But, Brad must shoot super sperm, I look for her to make headlines by getting pregnant while being pregnant. That's the only way she can top herself now.


Anonymous said...

First of all, Pitt, are you kidding me with that moustache and that oh-so-carefully placed to look casual scarf? Is Angie really that emasculating that you have now become a eunich? You look very, very, very gay here.

Angie must suck out the very personality of her husbands/ boyfriends and this one seems to be changing identities as fast he can to find one that pleases her. Sad.

Anonymous said...

James Hayden had to get a turn at populating Angelina's Disney ride family.

Anonymous said...

Why do I keep thinking? Andrea Yates when I hear about brangelina.

Too many blobs,too many ugly orphans & too many hormones ( shaking head ) are not a good recipe for someone who already has mental issues.

Anonymous said...

When your legs have spent so much time apart, it's difficult to get them to stay together again. That's how I explain this pregnancy, and yes, I think she is pregnant.
Bad move, but it's her body, not mine. I bet she's not even fully over her post-partum depression from the twins yet. Geesh.

hart734 said...

Actually, she already did get pregnant while being pregnant. That's what fraternal twins are; and since her twins are of each sex, there is no question of fraternal verses identical.
Even with nannies, Brads mom, et al, they are going to have a hell of a time for individual attention. Well, farming couples have had a ton of kids for centuries. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Mental issues for sure and she needs to stop. How could she have the time it takes for the twins little alone to add to her heard?

Brad looks like the whip he is in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Like a stray cat. Gets pregnant while already pregnant. Whats she gonna do when they have the 49 kids they actually seek to attain??? What then? retire from retirement & get the hell outta the house and run back to work? Brad will be dead, she will have to work then. Just to buy groceries and live in France etc!!!!

Anonymous said...

if this IS true. They know it looks stupid & ridiculous and foolish. If this child has down syndrome, I wont be shocked. They should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe they are??? hmmm? They are probably at least embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

My money says *yes*.

Anonymous said...

OMG! What five already and she's going to have another litter? If I was Bradley I would have been out of there 2 kids ago. All that crying and screaming, the house stinking of dirty diapers, food thrown on the ceiling - there is only so much of that a man can take. Unless they are trying to be like that Dugger family, the ones with 18 kids.

Anonymous said...

He does kinda look like Clark Gable there...maybe AJ was serious when she said she was looking for a father figure?