Friday, November 7, 2008

Hef will give Kendra away

Hef: "Kendra Wilkinson has met someone who she would like to spend the rest of her life with. His name is Hank Baskett, a wide receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles, and he popped the question last Saturday. I have given her my blessing and will be giving her away at a very special wedding ceremony at the Playboy Mansion this coming June."
It's kind of like having your sweet Grampa walk you down the aisle, you know, if you used to blow your Grampa..yeah, I really wish I wouldn't say things like that either and they'll probably walk down the slip and slide anyway, Hef's got to get some use out of that thing. Anyhow, lets imagine something more pleasant, like Holly losing her shit because stupid Kendra found a husband first and she flips out and goes all Britney with an umbrella on them during the ceremony. And Kendra has to kick her ass...and her extensions fall off...and she lands in the cake..ha ha ha. I'm loving this wedding already.


Anonymous said...

This gives me the creeps. Hef has always given me the creeps, but with Kendra in particular. She was soooo young when they "got together" and when she brought Hef to her mom's house the first time they watched home videos of he as a little girl. Hef was SALIVATING and really enjoying her baby pics. It GROSSES me out! And now he is walking her down the aisle? Is he a father figure or her boyfriend? It's just sick to me.

Anonymous said...

Now she won't need to wipe the denture strip ooze every time they kiss. This was always nasty.

Anonymous said...

I agree with obama/biden 08!

he was never a caring parent figure, I thought he was the guy who thought she had nice tits and brought her to his house to suck him off for pleasure. Hope she finds happiness.

Anonymous said...

Devil's Advocate.
What did she...or anyone else...expect?
If it hadn't been him...not that it was would've been the next one she could get next to, wouldn't it?
I have no opinion:
"...not knowing, I cannot say."
Elwood P. Dowd.

Anonymous said...

Definitely creepy and given Kendra's age I think Hef is a pedophile. He is disgustingly disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Kendra was/is an adult. Nobody forced her, it was her choice.
And every man likes young women. It is just natural.
If you don't believe me - fine. But a study some years ago found this:
when given pictures of girls&women, without knowing the age, almost all men picked the 17 ayear old as most attractive. And not only men did so, 7 year old boys too,
Power of genes!

Anonymous said...

btw, the best thing that could happen:

they find that Kendra is pregnant with Hef's baby.

Holly would instantly combust....

Anonymous said...

Hef is NOT creepy, he is an icon....It would seem weirder to me to see him with a woman his own age....

Anonymous said...

why would the soon to be hubby even want to have anything to do with Hef.


Anonymous said...

Gee, 6:24, speaking of PEDOPHIES....

Anonymous said...


look up 'pedophile' in a dictionary before you make yourself even more of an ass as you already did. Being attrackted to a 17, 18 year old is just natural.

Pedophiles are attracted to children. ie human beings below 12.