"I would have invited you out with me to the rally last night," Winfrey says. "But I was down with the people, and I didn’t think you would want to be."
Replies Pitt, "I took the tram, shoulder to shoulder."-us weekly
Oh, no she didn't! She did. WTF, Oprah, are you the queen now, "down with the people?" Everyone knows one of Oprah's closest friends is Jen Aniston, but, who ever thought she'd talk to Brad Pitt like that? She's so pompous. Gawd.
Brad also said that two year-old Shiloh will only respond to the names John and Peter, (she likes Peter Pan) and four year-old Pax, he says, rebelled against a timeout session by peeing on the timeout chair. I hope it was that ugly designer art chair he paid $50,000 for. I'll bet their house smells real nice.
The interview will be aired on Oprah, November 18th.
Zahara wants him to shave the moustache. It tickles too much.
Steadman wants Oprah to shave hers too.
I am sooooo over Oprah. She looked like a fool on stage. Guess what, dearie, you are not moving into the WH no matter how much you contributed.
Yeah, you're down with the people, PUH-LEASE!
methinks her brains ended up in thoes plastic eyelashes. holy fuck, she looked rediculous tryng to keep her eyelids up in spite of the weight
She's become unbearable in the past few years. So full of herself. And to hear her talk about this election and Obama's win she was just released from the plantation and hasn't actually lived a life of excess and decadence that very few in this life will ever know.
Oprah can't be friends with Jen Aniston.
She white.
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has had enough of the "Queen". She seems to think she's showing the country the way to "the promised land".
And would someone please help Michelle pick out some clothes? The woman has no taste!
Oprah is right. Brad Pitt face is one of those celebrities that thinks he is better than the rest of us.
Oprah was down there,with the ppl* not surrounded by bodyguards or whining about the cameras & common ppl. Brangelina are notorius for playing that game.
Oh good god anon 1:30 oprah is the biggest diva of them all, and if you think that 'being amoungst the common people' wasn't a publicity ploy your nuts.
As for Pitt, at least he's been physically working his ass off inbetween projects actually building homes for people. Thats not a person who thinks he's above another human being in my books. Oprah on the other hand, by her own admission, won't sleep in the same sheets two nights in a row or use common cutlery. Her list of diva wants are endless. Take your rose colored glasses off, what you see and hear might shock you into reality.
I think that guy just tried to sell me a vacuum.
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