With the race finally decided, and the Obamas packing for Washington, there’s just one pressing question left on the national agenda: What should Michelle wear to the Inaugural Ball?
To help dream up the answer for America’s new fashion-forward first lady, we enlisted some of our favorite Project Runway designers to create Inaugural Ball gowns at once stylish, patriotic—and appropriately thrifty for a recession. But in keeping with the show’s premise—where only low cost materials are provided—they didn’t get to skip off to Mood to buy their fabric. For this challenge, they were only allowed to use Laura Bush’s 2005 Inaugural Ball dress, to be chopped up and repurposed, à la Pretty in Pink, an American flag, burlap sacks, and $10 worth of trims of their choosing. When the designers were given their challenge, no First Lady had been determined yet so the dresses were designed with both Michelle and Cindy in mind.
Sure, like they didn't know it was going to be Michelle Obama. And even if they didn't..how could anyone even suggest an item like burlap sacks for a first lady's Inaugural Ball gown when one of them is black? It's something very much associated with the garb of slaves and it's so offensive it makes me vomit. They can't possibly be that clueless.
I agree.
There is, however, a certain "poetry", for lack of a better word...at least, a better word that I can come up with, a poetry in the concept of taking slave garb and refashioning it into a head of state inaugural gown.
...but, I agree.
It shouldn't have been considered.
Any such poetic irony would be lost on a dumbass public, anyway.
Pearls before swine, as it were.
This reminds me of the hilarious "I Love Lucy" (I know - get in the "way back machine") when Lucy and Ethel were in Paris and got suckered by Fred and Ricky into wearing burlap sack dresses with horse feedbags for hats, thinking they were haute couture. They proudly went strutting down the streets and the next day all stylish
Parisian ladies were wearing the same thing. Now that's poetry!
they aren't clueless. They are just assholes.
I Love Lucy!!! OMG!! Thats my favorite episode of all time!! Good one 5:36!!! I love it!
Mine too! I can still picture the self-important looks on Lucy and Ethel's faces, with their gracefully nonchalant, arched eyebrows, sashaying around in the sacks. Now that was funny!
A big twine rope would do just fine.
Well, Michelle is descended from slaves, afterall.
You're fuckety-fucking offended that they ~~~DARED~~~ to suggest the use of "burlap", but rending an American flag for purposes of "fashion" is A-Ok, eh?
Does anyone *really* get offended when patterns similar to the american flag are used in clothing? Really? Priorities, people.
did they use an actual American Flag or is it just a pattern resembling the Flag? I thought it was illegal to use any National Banner (I mean from any Nation in the world) for purposes other than official......personally I think if they used an American Flag that would be utterly disrespectful, now if it's just a fabric with the pattern that's different.....
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