Friday, November 7, 2008

It's only a matter of time

Nobody hates the paps more than Suri. Well, almost nobody.


Anonymous said...

Xenu be praised.

Anonymous said...

Aint THAT the truth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pretty little girl but you can tell she has one hell of an attitude at times lol. Welcome to the terrible 3's!

Anonymous said...

At least she is wearing long sleeves and pants.

Did you see in an article about how both Tom & Katie wear coats or sweaters and Suri is NEVER wrapped up for the weather. I never really thought about it till I read that article and they showed about 7 pictures - but it is very true. I know how toddlers can be - but come on - this is a health issue. It is November in NY or is coats for children in Scientology world vodoo also?


Major Majormajor said...

How is it a health issue?
Germs (viruses and bacteria) cause illness, not cold.
My daughter never wore a coat. She also never went to daycare. She also did not start getting "sick" until she went to public school. This is where she was exposed to all the children whose parents allowed them to go to school sick.
So, everyone from extreme northern and southern hemispheres should be constantly sick according to your logic? Canada? Alaska? Greenland? Scandinavia? Siberia? Cape Horn?

Dirty Disher said...

That true, but, I'm the kind of person who tells Lissa, I'm cold, put on your coat.