Angie mentioned falling for Brad Pitt on the set. “There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening. I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss.” Aniston, still galled, tells Vogue’s Jonathan Van Meter. “That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool.”
There, that explains it..and she's right. But, letting us know that Angie is uncaring about Jen's feelings isn't necessary. I already know that and I don't think it's cool either. It's one thing to fall for a married man, I still believe some chemistry just can't be controlled..but, it's another thing to go out of your way to hurt their ex and it sure seems to be Angie's thing. Sigh..when will someone kick Brads ass?
There, that explains it..and she's right. But, letting us know that Angie is uncaring about Jen's feelings isn't necessary. I already know that and I don't think it's cool either. It's one thing to fall for a married man, I still believe some chemistry just can't be controlled..but, it's another thing to go out of your way to hurt their ex and it sure seems to be Angie's thing. Sigh..when will someone kick Brads ass?
I might buy that issue. I wanna read her words. jen is Cool!
Cali girl chic. Beach & formal attire. Go Jen!! Love it!
Ech, it's too bad that her ex-husband's current relationship is always the first-and-foremost subject that's brought up.
She's a really funny, smart, cool-seeming person but those things are always torpedoed by people's interest in trying to dig for sordid and provocative information about Brad and Angelina. She should just refuse to comment on it anymore because it feeds the fire.
Does anyone else remember right before Jen & Brad split up they went on a beach vacation and were all lovey dovey? Then like days later he was with Angelina. WTF was up with that?
that picture isn't that good of her...it's not very flattering....she has taken some good pictures, but that is not one of them...her face looks worn and tired...i am supposed that was approved for the cover...is it a subversive act by vogue?
miss tia
Thank you, DD. Sums it up perfectly.
You know what's "uncool"?? Mentioning that what Angelina said was uncool!! Get over it already!
D.D, You are going to bring out the brangeloonies in full force :(
I am glad Jen Aniston is finally responding to brangelina's constant diarreah of the mouth. Itwas/is morally wrong what brangelina did to Jen Aniston but I believe that these two scumbags will get their due karma.
Blessings to Jen! he wasn't worth having kids with*
Nah. I used to admire this one, but now she's just a chain-smokin' stooge.
I agree Brad cheated and comes away with scratches instead of stitches and it really annoys me the attitudes about 'the other women', Angelina couldn't have 'stolen' Brad from Jen if Brad wasn't open to being involved, and if there weren't problems on some level in their marraige. Bottom line happy contented & committed partners don't cheat, they aren't even open to it.
Frankly the whole thing is simple, if someone is married, and your attracted or someone comes on to you who's married, be flattered not foolish. You don't act on it no matter how sad you feel, sexy they are or innocent you think that first coffee, dinner, walk or drive is w/e. You just don't put yourself in the position if you know the other person has feelings or if you have them yourself.
Well 1:15, I'm not sure how old you are? maybe 14-16? 16 at the most!
Maybe YOUR mommy can teach you about morals & values.
mmmm.o.k! and then maybe YOUR teacher can teach you some grammar ( smiling ) it's YOU'RE or You are.
sigh... how refreshing to see how brangelina are role models for kids everywhere. So sad. Hello stds.
It's time for her to tell her publicist to ban any and all questions regarding "The Pitts" enough with them they're the pits.
AJ always seems to have that malicious sneer on her face and seems to delight in making others suffer. She might not be, but she LOOKS like the freakiest Narcissist ever. She feeds off this stuff like a vampire feeds off his victims and I bet she really wouldn't understand why a lot of people think she's trash - she's just not good enough to hold herself responsible or to admit we all matter equally.
Why did Vogue pick that one quote for its cover? My subscription has been canceled. If I wanted to read about that I'd grab a Star, Us, OK, etc. They have taken the low road. I suppose they are dealing with financial hardships these days but they have gone to pure, tabloid media-whore status. No thanks.
1:51 it's the net, this is a celeb blog for quick posts and a little enjoyment. If you want to soak up some high brow grammar and avoid typo's go to the library and avoid the net. Oh yes and grow up.
"(smiles)" Aren't you the sarcastic little faker (smiles).
How is my saying, AJ & BP were WRONG in what they did, acting on their attractions while he was still married lacking in moral integrity. Going by your reply and obvious lack of understanding, I don't think you know the meaning of values and morals.
I think she looks great, and people are interested in what she has to say. So "you go, girl!" for being on the cover and even briefly discussing the Jolie-Pitt thing.
I think every time she is out and about or on a magazine cover it is a testament to what kind of person she is, and how crazy Brad Pitt was to leave her. He looks like a worn boot with a moustache, his baby-mama looks like Elvira--the golden years, and JA looks like the California Girl the Beach Boys sang about. What goes around, comes around. Suck it, Jolie-Pitts!!!
I agree that the cover quote is way too Star-esque.
I can see why Jen would want to try her best to defend herself. If I were in her shoes and had to hear Angie say things like that I would want to have my say too. But at this point I do think that Jen has cleared the air all she can and it may be time to just zip it. I understand her position, but every time she tries to explain of defend herself she's excused of not being able to let go or whatever. I agree that she should just place a moratorium on discussing all things Pitt.
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