In an interview with Vogue, Jennifer said: "What Angelina did was very uncool." I hope she was talking about that bullshit Angelina pulled saying she and Brad fell in love during the filming of Mr and Mrs Smith. Because if she's talking about the cheating she should have said what Brad did was uncool. I'd like to know how he comes out with his ass smelling so clean. Angelina wasn't married to Aniston...he was.
Good for her. She knows what is going on NOW! Not then. AJ is awful & now she knows Jen knows it. Of course she wanted to "out" their relationship to yet again hurt Jen, for some sick reason. Jen in no way wants Brad back. I'm sure she is thinking "Good riddance" by now! AJ get over it already. You got him, now shove him! This woman wants to kill people with her words.
OMG. Hell just froze over. 'bout time someone pointed the finger of accusation where it BELONGS in this (tired) business of Brange vs Aniston.
I can't stand any of them, but the fact is Angelina didn't "steal" anyone. Jennifer was married to Brad-- it's HE who was at fault here. Angelina may have conducted herself like a tramp, but she didn't break any vows with Jen.
I've been happily married for 15 years. If my husband left me tomorrow for someone else, I'm certainly not going to go 'off' on the person he cheated with. And I wouldn't give a flying fuck who they WERE either!
My relationship as well as my marital contract is with HIM.
He's the one who'd better run for cover.
I've never been able to understand women who completely ignore the fact that their husband's the one who cheated... and rather than give HIM hell, they go out of their way to even some warped score with the 'other woman' as if she cast a spell over "their man".
My opinion is... if he cheats, they can HAVE him. More than likely, he'll cheat on THEM TOO!
So watch your back, Angelina... When the effects of birthing multiple babies finally catches up with you... you might not appear so tempting!
Amen DD!! Why is Angelina Jolie the ONLY bad one here??? Brad Pitt was just as guilty as she was!!! Even more so if you ask me!! Like anon above me said...........Angelina did not break any vows!!!
D.D, She talking about how skankalina can not just STFU! But since you bring it up, we women make the final decision to sleep with him or not. For me,if he's married, NO WAY-
I'm married & would not want it done to me. I can't imagine the pain! and Jen Aniston has has to endure it publically.
Have compassion ppl!
If ya want him back, ya gotta leave that door open ya know.
Brad Pitt face, let hemroid lips have him.
Of course Pitt and Jolie both were at fault here.
I find it ironic that AJ has had such a bad relationship with her own father because he cheated on her mother. And exactly what did she do when given the opportunity? Oh. I guess we all know that.
jen is so much prettier than angelina. brad made a huge mistake & i bet he thinks about it every day. i agree that sometimes people fall in love, but that is when you should be a grown up & say, well we can have a relationship AFTER i get a divorce. no one ever thinks of that option.
i am very happy for jen & wish her the best. her children will be better raised, better dressed & better behaved than brad & angelina's brat brood any day.
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