Some of you wanted me to blog on that layaway K-Mart commercial Kate Gosselin is doing. Why? She's never used that shit in her life, she won't even shop there, she thinks she's Neiman Marcus material. Here's the truth..when the public finally has enough of this white trash rubbing their royal lifestyle in our faces and wakes up, that show will be shit canned. They won't be able to pay the utilities in their mansion. They'll steal their kids college funds for more fertility treatment and her magic womb will only carry one ADC check. Nobody will care. Her kids will be angry pimple faced teenagers and the only reason they'll have a spare bedroom is because three of 'em are in jail. Kate will "invent" fried bologna sandwiches and Jon will brag about hunting muskrats out of season and stealing the neighbors cable.
yep, she wouldn't shop at kmart with a 10 foot poll...
that being said, i think for the rest of us who live in the REAL world, kmart is the only store that still offers layaway...walmart got rid of theres a couple years ago....
does that mean Sears has lay-away now too? probably not. I dont use lay-away anymore. My kids are grown. But it was the norm to do so back then. No big deal. Everybody did it. This ho-bag never did & never will have to use K-Marts Lay-away. Is she kiddin me right now? K Mart was stupid to try to make anybody believe she would! Altho she is not an actual star. She is a reality TV person. Its something like Martha Stewart shopping there too, it never happened! Jacklyn Smith doesnt either. The Olsen's dont shop at Wal-Mart. The list goes on.
This picture is a riot and is exactly what they are and where they should be. Don't she look purty now?
for a sec there I thot that was Tori & Dean! Now I guarantee you, he & his family are very well aquainted with lay-away and at K Mart!
Hope you got your heat going & the stove fixed! Probably just a fuse. be careful. Happy belated Birthday DD! You are awesome. Stay warm.
these freeloaders are a drain on the nation and they need to be audited and put in jail!
I agree, these two whores and the LOUD pimped out grub worms need to go away.
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