
Melissa feels that if she can't marry Tammy, the mother of two of her children, then she doesn't have the same rights as any other citizen. If she is denied equal rights, why should she pay taxes? You'll just have to read it HERE, in her own words. This whole Prop 8 thing is so frustrating and sad.
Too bad ya' can't get around the whole "marriage" and rights of privacy and survivorship things with some kind of alternative legal plan.
Make it the same, but different, somehow.
Call it something else, in order to satisfy the narrow minded citizenry.
I don't agree with abortion, so can I just quit paying my taxes that fund it?
Boo-hoo. If she doesn't get her way she will pout and punish the government. That is narrow minded.
The issue was put to a vote and decided for now. She has made millions in this country and now she'll hold back taxes in protest. Star a website and get organized if you want change. Or give Obama a chance to get to that issue.
You have every right not to agree with abortion or same sex marriage. But nobody has the right to take away freedom of choice. It took a long time for women to get the vote, to be able to choose abortion & now this. It takes time. Lots of precious time. And it's gonna take money...a whole lot o' spendin' money. Gonna take plenty of money...to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it right child!
So, does this cancel out the same sex marriages like Ellen's that have already taken place?
damn you Anon 3:04, forgot what I was going to say, "I got mah mind set on you! I got mah mind set on you!...
I'd like to know how your taxes fund abortion. I paid for mine with my healthcare plan through my employer.
A marriage is between a man and a woman, always has been. The people have spoken.
Now about those taxes. . . I hope she's careful about how much she keeps back, as it would be a shame to deny her access to roads that need those dollars for upkeep, police and fire services, etc.
"A marriage is between a man and a woman, always has been."
slavery used to be legal, women weren't allowed to vote...
Saying how something "always has been" doesn't mean that it is correct or just.
I don't like having to limit my speed to 55 mph. Dang it all to hell - The Man is not getting tax money from me anymore!
Makes a whole hell of a lot of sense, eh?
What a friggin douchebag.
Equal rights is not the same as a speed limit. I feel so bad for people that aren't able to get past their ignorant religious beliefs to see that. Remember a time when blacks could not marry whites? When women could not vote? When slavery was in effect? Those are all things that 'always have been' until someone dared to try and change them- because they violate basic human rights.
I am with Melissa and the others that have made supportive comments about same-sex marriage here. Different is never the same and a legal contract or civil union is different.
I am gay. I went to collage and landed a six figure income. I pay a truck load of taxes for schools, parks, children's health and social programs that will never benefit "gay" people as a whole. I will never have a tax deduction so the government keeps nearly every cent I contribute to a system that favors and offers incentives to married persons with dependent kids.
All I want is equality. I fail to see where the gay marriages that have been in force in CA or MA have done a single thing to reduce "traditional" marriage.
While I am fuming here I also think that it's a travisty that religious orginizations like the Catholic Knights of Columbus and the Mormon's can take their tax exepmt money to insert themselves into issues of State government. We have separation of church and state for a reason. For religious organizations to fund advertising riddled with lies and hate makes me sick.
This situation is very sad. The amount of money that has been wasted on this issue for the sole purpose to discriminate is staggering.
Well said, Anon 4:55. Hopefully 'Yes we can' will extend to ALL citizens of this country within the coming 4 years!
Here's some irony for you: The massive increase in black and hispanic voters may have helped pass these anti-gay measures due in part to the fact that both of these sects of the population tend to be pretty religious and therefore biased against homosexuality.
Some day basic civil rights will apply to everybody, but for now it seems otherwise. I still can't believe we are having this debate in 2008, but I do believe that it'll be rendered moot in the next decade. Younger people don't care so much about keeping rights from others, for whatever reason.
I can't believe people still buy that gay marriage will ruin the holiness of marriage between heteros. That point is usually put forth by some adulterous, thrice-divorced guy. Now that's respect for the institution!
Why is such intolerance preached in so many churches? And why is such intolerance tolerated by churchgoers? There are a lot of churches out there: Choose and support one that supports equal rights and fairness for people, not one that preaches and practices exclusion.
Anon 4:55: I concur, Tax the churches. If they want to drive policy pertaining to the general populous, they should pay the piper. It's unfair and morally bankrupt.
Any time one group of people is arbitrarily pitted against another, be they divided by race, religion, sexual preference, etc, bad things happen, like widespread discrimination and wars.
This was something added to California's constitution as a civil right which was then revoked by Prop 8. I repeat REVOKED. Meaning newlyweds woke up to find they were no longer married. Imagine you wake up tomorrow to find you are no longer allowed to vote or drive a car because you are a woman. It's the same thing.
Your basic civil right has been REVOKED. Yes it can happen to you.
Be VERY concerned.
I live in MA where same-sex marriages are legal. there is already talk of this right (it is a right to marry whomever you love NOT a privelege)being revoked by the church ppl, since this was successful in CA.
It wasn't just the Hispanics it was 70% of Black Voters and 47% of whites.
BTW Obama is opposed to same-sex marriage and so is Biden.
This was something added to California's constitution as a civil right which was then revoked by Prop 8. I repeat REVOKED. Meaning newlyweds woke up to find they were no longer married. Imagine you wake up tomorrow to find you are no longer allowed to vote or drive a car because you are a woman. It's the same thing.
Your basic civil right has been REVOKED. Yes it can happen to you.
Be VERY concerned.
BTW Obama is opposed to same-sex marriage and so is Biden.
Obama supports "civil union" which really is a cop out since it still lessens the whole concept and image of what "marriage" represents. I wonder if he feels the same way about riding in the back of the bus or using the same bathroom as a white person?
I voted for the man but mostly because in the line-up of evils he seemed the lesser of.
The basic issue that I have is that the entire LDS (Mormon) church was based on controversy to begin with and spent years and years living with persecution. Not all that long ago in history their people - their followers - were considered "different" if not deviant and were beaten, tortured and even murdered. They had their property and possessions stolen from them and were forcibly driven out of Missouri by an extermination order.
Are the church leaders and members really so hypocritical that they would forget their own past and inflict persecution on others? This is what amazes me the most. They have in essence issued an extermination order against same-sex couples.
I suppose that the number of wives you have is not as big an issue as the gender of your spouse.
Excellent read, this comments thread! Top 10 for sure.
Damn. Did Steve Wonder give her that haircut???
Erm, she was growing it back out after chemo for breast cancer.
Um, marriage should be between two consenting adults who love each other, end of story.
I agree Meissa. I dont understand the hatred for gay people. What is the main reason people oppose gay marriage. Usually religion. But we are supposed to have freedom from religion so how can that stand up?
Freedom of religion implies freedom from religion.
just do the right thing.
Kill all religious people and burn down all churches&temples.
That would solve all the problems once and for all.
Oh, and anon 3:00:00:
>The issue was put to a vote and decided for now.
when the english parliament decided to take your money without representation you revolted (which, compared with todays policies should lead to the comclusion that you are all insurgants and must be killed). But the mayority voted on it! And decided it was ok to take your money. And you did not follow that. What does that teach to you?
I hope you see why you are wrong.
I wish that the gay community had a "better" way to express the way they feel. Comparing their plight and experience to that of "being black" is insulting beyond belief. Some rich white asshole who until he was 18 decided he wanted to "out" himself and join the gay masses still had advantages that his white skin allowed him until he "chose" to confront his "feelings".
I guess my message is this, gay people, as a black person I can say that I feel VERY INSULTED when you compare yourselves to a stolen kidnapped African child that was forced into slavery. WTF does that have to do with who "YOU CHOOSE" to sleep with?
I PROMISE that if you find a way to make your voices heard as individuals you will "earn" your own respect. Get off of the backs slaves and immigrants, your plight is YOURS, make it your own and you will be embraced. Everybody loves a lover, I think you all have been selling yourselves short. CHANGE ME, I WANT TO UNDERSTAND.
Change you? Huh. Not surprised. Once again, the people who are discriminated against have to educate those that aren't. Thought you would have understood that, from educating White people on how Black people are treated unfairly.
So to be clear: you only voted yes because some gays have compared their discrimination to the way blacks were discriminated against? All discrimination has the same underlining root. HATRED. Until we can extinguish this, we are all complicit.
NO, to be clear I voted yes because I didn't know what the gay community was fighting for. The right to be married? Sounds dumb, there HAS TO BE more. Why would an entire "community" not "race" of people compare themselves to slaves and Indians and Chinese kids in interment camps if all they want is an over-priced party and a cake? I'm honest and could give a rats ass who a person sleeps with, why do gays need my vote? The sooner the gay community realizes that they need to "prove why" they need me and people like me, they will have Prop. 8. Has nothing to do with hate, what are you hiding?
I am a black lesbian and I can say the experience of my white gay friends run parallel to my experience as a black woman. They too have suffered under the hands of discrimination.
My life is NOT a choice.
Isn't the point that we are all created equal? It saddens me to know that my sisters are voting against me because of one small insignificant seeming slight- for a white person to compare her life to a black person. Please, in the next election, be bigger than this and vote for what should never have been put on a ballot- my right to love.
Your ignorance confuses and confounds me. What are we fighting for? The right to marry?!?! You're right, it does sound dumb. But because of you and people like you, IT IS ILLEGAL FOR ME TO BE MARRIED TO A PERSON OF THE SAME SEX. This is not a cake, this is not a party. This is my lover dying and not being able to be there for her. This is my child not being able to be adopted by her other mother. This is discrimination in its finest, propogated by YOU. Because you listened to the few people that compared themselves to racial minorities. Ask yourself- are ANY rights denied to you in this point of life? NO, because people had to vote for them to be allowed. Did you feel like educating people that HAVE NO RIGHT BEING IN YOUR LIFE on such personal issues? This should never have been put to a vote.
Love who you want, but, be honest about WHAT YOU WANT. Be clear, spell it out. Please tell me all this fuss is not about a party and a piece of paper. That's all I ask. Please let the gay community be about MORE and I will FIGHT FOR AND ALONGSIDE YOU with vigor and sincerity.
WHAT IS PROP 8 ABOUT? Preventing "love"? Don't think so. A party? stupid!
There are kids at my daughters school who have same-sex parents who have raised them from babies, you have some other issues.
I regret that as a white person, my white forefathers voted on the right for you to have a right to vote. Because of this, you took away my right to marry my boyfriend of 20 years. Thank you. I hope you think about that when you are shopping at the local Wal-Mart for your 10 children by as many fathers on the food stamps that I work so hard to provide your family with.
Again, thank you, and I hope your dinner was delicious.
Yes, raised them. Ask them if they can legally adopt them. Again, your ignorance is confounding me. I am not going to educate you on issues you should have educated yourself on , BEFORE YOU VOTED.
What would you say if prop 8 read: Marriage is a white man and a white woman.
You tell me why you should be able to get married?
A cake? A piece of paper? Convince me...
getting catty, eh?
my dinner was OUTSTANDING!! I didn't even have to cook it! You know why, because I have never played the race card and have a great life that I created. Unlike you I have NEVER needed to CLAIM THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF OTHERS. You didn't vote for the right for blacks to be able to vote, your forefathers did!
Once again, why should "I" NOT MY FOREFATHERS vote for you?
anon 9:14 race card question, but no REAL ANSWER.
I see why your people lost. I WAS IN YOUR WAY with all my stupid questions. All I needed was ONE just ONE good answer from a smart gay person and all you people could come up with was racial regret and insults. Maybe all the gay on here are just the dumb gays!
Good luck with Prop 8, you don't even realize how much you need me and how much I want to understand.
I don't understand. Even if you don't think that it is a big deal whether or not gay people should be allowed to marry, it obviously is a huge issue for the people who do not have this right. Since you don't care either way, why couldn't you cast your vote in the name of equal rights and responsibilities for all people?
And to anon who finds it regrettable that your white forefathers gave black people the right to vote. Such comments are not only racially discriminating and insulting but also completely counterproductive to your cause. You can't fight discrimination and at the same time reserve the right to discriminate against others.
thank you for having some sense. I couldn't vote for something that I didn't know what the real issue was. "the right to love".... Who's voting AGAINST that? not me. Love away.
By voting "NO" on prop 8 you were affording same-sex couples the same benefits and rights that traditioanl marriage brings. This means the right of joint property ownership, health coverage, insurance discounts (auto and home)and the right to make decisions on behalf of each other - like deciding if its time to pull the plug or leave someone on life support for example.
It probably means something to kids of same-sex couples too but I don't have kids so I can't speculate on that.
Same-sex couples will continue to love, live together, and have (hopefully) lots of sex with or without the right to marry. But more than that, it's simply something that same-sex couples are not allowed to do only out of discrimination.
This issue should not be compared to race or nationality. It is simply put an issue of equal rights.
I am thankful each and every day for my friends and family that accept me regardless of who I choose to spend the rest of my life with.
I guess I am a dumbass cracker. But havent gay people been as oppressed as blacks? Been beaten and killed for being different? Hated by religious groups? Mel I know you feel put upon and yes african americans and native americans were royally screwed. I think Gay people have had it just as rough.
Anon 2:39 - you got that right.
OK, I am lucky enough to have smart, funny friends, many of whom are gay. Lots of them have gone through ceremonies, legal or not, that should be considered marriage.
Some of them have gone to Canada, where it's legal, some of them did it here in Portland Oregon, where it was legal for a minute, and others have chosen to have commitment ceremonies that differ from marriages only in the eyes of the law.
The amount of money these people have spent on lawyers, making sure they have the same rights as Joe and Susie Blow have automatically when they get married is astronomical. Add kids and add more thousands of dollars to the lawyer heap. Whose kid is it? Birth Mom only? Or how about two men adopting? Yikes.
Why does anyone think that's OK? Why? Why are gay people being denied their civil rights? Any good answers?
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