Thursday, November 6, 2008

I like this cover better

I imagine the conversation went something like this...

Ring, ring.."Hello?"

"Hey, Jen, It's Angie and I just wanted to say.."

"How did you get my number, you husband stealing cunt? Go fuck yourself, don't you have orphans to adopt?"

"That's fair. Listen, I really am sorry, but, in all fairness, Brad's looking like shit these days, and if it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't have John Mayer."

"Yeah, that Benjamin Buttons crap seems to have gotten all over him. Courtney says he looks like a retiree from Palms Spring who lives on the senior golf circuit."

"Tell me about it, it's like fucking dust during a coma."

"So, okay, I'll put away my Jolie voodoo there anything else you want?"

"John Mayers number..but, it's for my brother. James is a huge fan."

"Fuck the fuck off. Oh, and Pax needs a haircut. The kid's starting to look like Jenny Shimizu."


Anonymous said...

Why are you so full of hate?

Dirty Disher said...

I'm getting therapy, but, it's slow going.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think JA and AJ should get a room, down t' th' Bide-a-Wee, and station their bodyguards outside th' door.
Then, they should spend the next eight days comparing notes.
Neither emerging until they are mutually satisfied with the results of their meeting.
The benefits would be enormous.

Anonymous said...

The benefits would be enormous, for who? Your imigination? lol

Anonymous said...

It couldn't hurt.

Anonymous said...

honestly, neither one of these broads gives a shit about what the other is doing

Anonymous said...

I believe that you have achieved enlightenment.

Dirty Disher said...

Zen. I can fire my therapist.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of all of them. I can tolerate J.A more because she is not a media whore but honestly! all three, their prime time has passed.

I can not stomach brangelina,they make me ill,the way they parade the orphans around,whenever they have a movie coming out, or the way they pimp out blob pictures for cash. It's as disgusting as A.J's hemroid lips.

Anonymous said...

I agree 1:44: We need some new celebs to gossip about! LOL! We do!!! Or some new couples, w/e works.