Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Movin' on up


Anonymous said...

Make room for Rev Wright, Farrakhan and William Ayers in the Lincoln bedroom. From trying to blow it up to being a distinguished guest. Only in America.

Anonymous said...

I love what Bill Mahar said about Bush. (hope I got this right) In essence, he said that he didn't think Bush would leave the White House until it was a smoking pile of rubble.
The last eight years have been absolute ruin to this nation. George Bush's instincts on what to do, what to get involved in (internationally), have been so far off the mark, we are all lucky to get out alive (although he still has how many days left? I guess I speak too soon about the getting out alive part).
Hopefully Obama achieving the presidency is the start of our road back to where we should be. We shouldn't have a still-devastated New Orleans, a ruined economy with huge corporations going belly-up one after another, an endless war where we spend the lives of our young men and women for no good reason. It is a disgrace where republican politics have brought us.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:16 Ah, freedom to be an idiot. Only in America.

Anonymous said...

You must be reffering to anon 2:20 as the idiot.

I shouldn't have to re-hash the attacks we suffered in the US and abroad during the Clinton years. If Pres. Bush had not answered the attacks of 9/11 with decisive force; we would still be called "paper tigers"-Usama bin Laden's words about US Military might after Somalia. Iraq became a center stage for foreign fighters (Al Qaeda in Iraq)- to fight a stage of war on terror. The Sunni Awakening council rebuffed the insurgents and helped defeat them. There was no casualties (American or Iraqi) in October. Keep drinking the Kool Aid and believing that if we leave them alone; they'll leave us alone. Drill here and now and stop sending 700 billion dollars a year to people who hate us. Technology isd available to drill with minimal impact to nature. Bill maher is just as bad as Rosie O'Donnel when it comes to being partisan, remember the Steve Irwin costume he wore after his death?. Bill is a clasless ass.

Anonymous said...

Showbiz and politics.
Maher is a comedian.
Bush was successful in doing all that he was hired to do.
Is anyone unaware that the real powers are gonna allow any political leader to really put the US in jeopardy?
Everybody takes orders.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rev Wright, Farrakhan and Ayers, among others, really scare me and I'm not being facetious. I'm praying that they will NOT be honored guests or lots of us will be regretting our vote.

PS -- Bush isn't old.

Anonymous said...

3:06. . .Decisive force? You must be kidding. When he was notified of what happened to the twin towers, he went back to reading a children's book. It's on tape, dumbass. Bush's decisive force (farce, is more like it) has all but destroyed our nation.
Did the Iraq war escape your vision? Guess so. Why invade a country that we know (or should know if we are not idiots) does not have WMD's, and does not hold Bin Laden? Why continue to be best buddies with a country (Saudi Arabia) that we know did allow Al Quada training camps?
As for drilling---the great north fields everyone keeps talking about, would last our country about 3-6 months at our current rate of consumption, and the pipeline would take about 10 years to build sufficiently to pipe oil, if they started work on it today.
We are in a mess, and it is going to take a lot of thankless work to bail us out. I can guarantee that many republicans just don't have the stomach to look reality in the face and roll up their sleeves to help fix what we can.

Barb said...

anon 1:16..you are a rascist idiot. You will just have to live with us for the next 8 years. Just like I had to absolutely choke on it and live with your dumbass "W" for the last 8 years.

That you fail to see what a true statesman and the great hope that Obama is says much about you, and it isn't good.

I want to see our country respected on the world stage once again, and Obama is this hope.

And, don't knock Bill Maher. He is a comedian, and in past years, he has been a big helpto those of us who did have to choke on your dumbass "W". So just live with us.

Anonymous said...

It's all about money.
...to the exclusion of all else.
The US is run by business.
This is not news, y'know.
All this concern about "Rev Wright, Farrakhan and William Ayers" is just a waste of time and energy.
It's just people talking about ancient history.
Yeah, right, the major political wheelers'n'dealers are gonna let a bunch of old radical "crazies" dictate policy and put us all...and their money ...at risk.
Get a grip.
Those people don't have any serious following.
When the hell did you last hear of any of them before the campaign?
I'd be more concerned about blind, hysterical radical racism.

Anonymous said...

Nice try Barb. This was the argument from the beginning. If anyone dared question Obama; you were barnded a racist. I am black barb, and i am also conservative. Justice Thomas, Lieutenant Gov Steele, even Colin Powell was called a House servant by Harry Belafonte. Obama will turn his back on every promise he made if it will cost him political points. The fact that you are so quick to insult me without even knowing me leads me to believe you are most likely not very bright.

Anonymous said...

No double standards, now.
Obama isn't any more...or less...likely to be politically active than any other politician.
Politicians do politics.
Let's not try and speculate on anything other than politics out of a politician.
Business and politics go hand in hand.
Promises kept, promises broken, what the hell?
What moves things along?
That's why things move so slowly.
That's why Bush had to scare the hell out of everybody in order to get anything done quickly.
There's another sex offender!
Give me some more money!

Anonymous said...

3:06 It might be a intresting read for you to pick up Clintons book (no argument or sarcasm intended). I came out the other side a great deal more informed on a number of issues and with alot more respect for the man & president.

But to your attacks abroad comments and the idea Clinton ignored it, he didn't at all. He had hit out for Osama long before 9/11 but received no little to no support at what was dubbed only perceived threat at the time.

It's a misconception that when it comes to these sorts of decisions that a president can make ALL of them without checks and balances. Granted they have alot of unilateral power, but its not absolute. So the responsibility falls on far more then one individual.

In that book theres some very intresting information about what was going on within the gov't at the time as well. Clinton fought for the people, the average american joe in so many ways that should have been made public but the attempted impeachment over maritial affair & insuing lies was used to cover for alot of this.

Regardless of political affilations, it's a intresting read.

Anonymous said...

Excuse all the typo's, i should start reading it again before i press the damn button.

Anonymous said...

Oliver North brought up Usama bin laden during the Contra hearings, and Al Gore didn't know who he was!. Clinton is on record saying that terrorism is a police matter, and not a military one. Reductions in Force as soon as he took office and slashing intel budgets combined with intel restrictions like the Gorelick wall made us vulnearble to foreign spy networks and terrorism.

3:58- Your information on the oil fields is WRONG. It would take less than two years to get oil down the pipeline, and the reserves would last sixty!(60) years at the bottom estimate and at current levels of consumption. Keep sending money overseas. Get informed and stop drinking the Demoncrat potion. Liberals are inept when it comes to prosecuting the war on terror.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! "the whole place smells like dumb!"

If that dress she wore to his acceptance rally is any indication of her sense of style, this should be interesting...

Anonymous said...

Oh and Barb, why do you say 8 years of BO? Is he planning on changing term limits too? Oh Ya, change the world, change everything to suit himself.