Saturday, November 8, 2008

Suri Cruise bucking for new management

Suri fulfills her contractual obligations by appearing in front of the paps six time per day, rain or shine. She has the nerve to get cheeky about it. Please, Suri, you knew what the gig was when you signed the contract. It said right there on the documents.."I agree to be Hollywood's hottest baby and instill a certain amount of fondness for my lunatic father for the next 4 years, at which time I will be replaced by a new Holmes/Cruise celebrity infant." Now get back to work! Someday you will be living in obscurity with your brother and sister..what's there names.


Anonymous said...

Why isn't she working at the Scientology headquarters already? She can walk, so she can work, right?

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie. Look at her giving the finger to the sweet. And looovvvving the chipped nail polish just like a real kid.

Anonymous said...

she looks a lot like her mother - and there is nothing of Tom in her face. Which is a good sign.

Anonymous said...

Nothing of Tom in her face? Are you kidding me? She's just like him.

Anonymous said...

The spitting image of Tommy Girl.

Anonymous said...

I think she was kidnapped from a mall and given to them.

Anonymous said...

Why does Katie look so puffy? She's to skinny to look so bloaty.
