Don't ask me, I don't get it. Why does it look like a fashion page? Call me simple, but, wouldn't a picture of a happy dog with their new family be better? Patricia Arquette, envision a world where your boobs don't look freakishly gigantic. Oh, there you go.
What does PETA have to do w/ homeless pets? Isn't that something the ASPCA focuses on?
PETA has to do with anything pertaining to animals and animal rights.
Didn't even recognize the Medium star here. As I have the whole big chest going on myself, I don't see Patricia as looking particularly gigantic or freakish.
Not sure about this picture, though. Is she supposed to be in a dream like state maybe, envisioning because she is playing a medium on TV who gets visions?
No offence meant. I have the same problem, but, PA always dresses to flaunt it and it always looks freakish.
Dear Peta,
Why do you NOT support TNR ( Trap-neuter-return ) for feral cats? I know for fact you haved killed many cats & dogs.
Ingrid is a " skerry" creature and peta is nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
Virginian who looooves all animals~
I love animals too, as everyone here knows -- or do you -- and I'm the member of PETA who loves DD too. And I'm a Virginian. That pisses me off that PETA doesn't, if you are right, support the trap-neuter-return and I'm going to get in touch with my friends there this minute and find out why.
Thank you for that, fellow Virginian.
Fellow Virginian, Call Peta ( google for # ) or email them and ASK if they support TNR? They have told my network of humane groups that they do NOT because they believe cats should strictly be indoors and they worry about BIRDS! There for,peta euthanizes ( yes! Virginia they do! ) and they support killing these cats WHO did not ask to be here,but are because ignorant humans refuse to get them spayed or neutered.
As a supporter of the Richmond SPCA & Alley cat allies, it is a fact that starving or murdering these cats does not solve the problem. TNR works, it's humane and it improves your karma ;)
The greatness of a Nation can be dtermined by how it's animals are treated. M. Ghandi~
Sorry! I see that you are a member ( peta ) pl ask them WHY? they do not support,TNR?
Alleycat Allies, another group I regularly donate money to. Very, very worthwhile org. Okay, this is pissing me off to the point that I am going to rethink my longstanding PETA membership.
There was a really good group who gave shelter to abused circus animals they rescued and they seem to have disappeared. Does anyone know who they are if they still exist? Lots of HW types supported this cause, along with us common folks.
PETA wants to kill all cats and dogs. And with all of them dead, there won't be homeless ones.
Simple PETA logic.
i decided to investigate these stories about peta and get the record straight. i found out that they do in fact have euthanasia buses that go through underprivileged areas and offer to euthanize animals and they don't believe in desexing. and that is sad.
at the same time i discovered that http://www.petakillsanimals.com
is equally dodgy because they are run by a group called Center for Consumer Freedom which was seeded by Phillip Morris and is funded by multinational fast food cooporations such as Wendy's and Coca Cola anyway you can read about them on Wikipedia,
why is everyone do fucking dodgy???
Isnt that the lady with the show about telepathy? That would make sense to me, the poster that is.
then again... for all their faults i saw an item on yahoo news that is worth considering as a plus for peta.
if you can't be bothered clicking on this link its a story about an upmarket ny restaurant that caught an 140 year old lobster 10 days ago and put it in its tank for future consumption. a peta member saw the lobster and lobbied for its release back into the atlantic ocean near maine where it was caught. luckily the restaurant owners said yes and released the lobster. with peta its a matter of whether you want to see the glass as half empty or half full! animals don't get much support so even an organization like peta is a plus for them.
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