Beyonce Knowles...
dog dumper. The Columbia record label employees, in NYC, would like to know when Beyonce is going to pick up her dog. She left him last Summer for "a short time." They assumed she meant, an hour or two. She never came back. Munchie, a five year old ShihTzu, is peeing on the office floor and the employees have to take turns taking Munchie home on weekends. They would like Beyonce to please come and pick up her dog.
I say, you stay put, Munchie..you may be unloved, but, at least someone is feeding you. You're better off where you are. I know Bouncie LOVES animals, it's that Sasha Fierce you can't trust.
The dog got off light. She could've had it made into a wig.
crabbie you made me laugh out loud and got me in trouble :)
That fucking cunt. If there's anything I cannot abide, it's a bad pet owner.
It's disgusting how many people purchase or adopt pets without giving a moment's thought that the animal will also require a healthy diet, a warm bed, adequate medical (including preventative) care, interactive *daily* playtime, a stable home and........ oh yeah, a little love and affection.
People who can't manage that, should buy a Pet Rock.
How do you just forget to pick up your dog! That pisses me right off. If she can just leave a supposedly wanted and loved pet for months, no more concern for its day to day welfare she shouldn't even be allowed to own another. She should be charged with neglect. Poor dog.
...yea. She is so self-consumed that there isn't room for anything else; like the minor fact that she owns a pet, etc. Never have liked her. This just sews it up
No kidding, the dog is in better company at the shop. She makes me sick, doing this to a dog. The pup has no idea how important she thinks she is. Damn her to hell. I can't stand this one.
Stupid ho. I hope she gets abandoned and fogotten by her loved ones just like she did her dog.
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