Yes, Katie looks like Posh in her underpants ads...the same photographers did them both, so no surprise there. However, Miu-Miu really fucked up this time, if you ask me. The colors are garish and unpleasant. I am reminded of violent vomiting. Despite the fire, it's cold. Frigid. I can't really see the dress, the "art" gets in the way. I like looking at ads and commercials and I play this game where I'm the boss and they're (the ad people) selling it to me. In this one I say, "You're fired from Miu-Miu. Idiots! You will never work in this town again. Or any town." Then I laugh while they cry and beg, but, I don't give in. You can't give in to stupid people. It's for their own good.
Ha-ha, you sick evilbitch!
But I actually like this photo and most ads bore me/don't attract me. Unfortunately, I'm repelled by the model in it.
Hate the concept and the colors, but Katie is looking good in it.
I can't believe it. For once I actually AGREE with you, Dirty Disher! The MiuMiu dress is completely lost in the technicolor mire. Matter of fact, that ad looks like a still from an 80's hair band video.
And since Ms. Holmes has been given to roaming the streets of NYC looking like a middle-aged bag lady of late, she seems a curious (at the very least) choice for a celebrity model. Say what you will, at least VB is rarely caught looking less than her celebrity best.
And why is it so many design houses insist on bringing in celebs to hawk their wares anyway? It certainly doesn't inspire me, and if the celeb is a WEIRDO it's going to turn the public away in droves.
So far i stand alone in that I like it. I like the colors & background etc. It sets it up (or tries to anyway) at playing up the mystical mind over matter feel of the concept.
I even liked her hair and make up. I didn't however like the hunching of her shoulders it makes the dress hang differently which makes that particular dress choice seem more out of place.
...the ballots are pouring in....I like it too. The concept of opposites is done quite well, and Katie is beautiful (on posh's best day she doesn't look as good as this)
The best thing about these adds is that Katie doesn't look like herself. But seriously, if noone had told me it's supposed to be her I wouldn't have recognized her - at all!
My gawd! What's with the long fingers????
PHONE HOME ya frikkin' extraterrestrial!!!
Too funny, because I thought exactly the same thing about those fingers -- ET phone home.
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