Today the furnace went out..it's always something, isn't it? Fairly cold, but, not freezing, I'm wearing a coat and sipping hot Earl Grey. The heater man is coming and I thought I'd sweep a bit around it since Bee Bee likes to throw sunflower seeds at me all day. My sons photo is on the wall near the heater and I leaned on the broom, looked at the snapshot and sighed "Oh, Eric, where are you today?" I didn't expect an answer. I don't much expect or believe in anything anymore. But, then I picked up the broom and saw something shiny under the heater. I bent down and dug it out and it was a sticker. "It's ok, I'm with the band." Are ya now? Coincidence and bad housekeeping? Shrugs. It made me smile.
awww.that's a sweet visual. -G
That is awesome DD!
And there's your answer. Take it at face value.
That is so cool. It gives me a little shiver.
and can you imagine the band he's with now? hendrix, joplin, etc...
It made me smile, too.
God love ya.
Very nice DD; happy for you. You still believe in coincidence?. I am sure he is always around. "Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his home and family?". Homer
Don't know. I just don't know. Logically..I feel silly. But, I sill smiled.
My stepmom and stepsis swear that my would-have-been stepbrother leaves bbs (you know, like a bb gun bb) around on special days for them. I didn't think much of it until I was helping my stepsis move after she had back surgery and we found a bb in the driveway. I think they are definitely signs! xoxoxoxo
awwww that's sweet!!!! There's his response....
That's just so fucking cool.
And yeah.. I totally believe in "signs from beyond." Known of many close to me, and experienced too many myself over my many years not to.
He's right there all the time, Pat... over your shoulder. But then, on some level you knew that.
Don't feel silly, it is incredible.
I have dreams about my deceased grandparents, just updating them on life and I wake up so comforted. I feel like they visit with me in my dreams. Especially when I need the support.
thats just too beautiful. its synchronicity and i totally believe in it.
:-) So awesome. And YES, I do believe in signs. (I just don't always read them.) ~Pondie
I logged on to the computer today for the first time in months it seemed like, and I saw your post about him. It made me smile as well. I have been thinking about Eric alot. I had a dream about him last night. I do believe he is with the band. He is very happy I believe. I miss him very much.
Casey J.
I am shocked that you of ALL people would not take that as a sign...tsk tsk. It's an Awesome sign.
The weirdest part is that when I moved in here, I had to tear a wall out near that heater. So I took the heater out to do it. Then had it put back. So there's not much chance I missed that sticker, which hadn't been used. The sticky part was still covered. Who knows? I think if something makes you feel better, go with it, I guess.
Wow, that is a great story. I am totally a believer!
I have never believed in coincidences..I think it was there for a reason :) YOU!
It was him. It was him. It was him.
What a lovely message too!
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