Tom Cruise is not shoving his unhappy kid in our faces this week, so far. He's also not grinning and telling us how Scientology cured his dyslexia and made him a success. I have a feeling Tommy Girl is having some serious secret meetings with his "church." Don't you? I'm watching all this unfold with great interest. The Travolta's lawyers say they DID consult neurosurgeons and give Jett medication for seizures (it is reported the boy was not on meds at the time of his death.) I am no longer interested in the results of the autopsy. It won't matter now (even if his death had nothing to do with seizures.) The second biggest celebrity activist for Scientology has admitted he went against the teachings of the "church." If you think Tom Cruise isn't in secret meetings right now to figure out damage control, well, please. Scientology has failed, no matter how you look at it, in the face of the Travolta's tragedy. It's so hard for me to believe that a religion based on the teachings of a science fiction writer might be in jeopardy. What's your next move, Tommy? I eagerly await enlightenment.
I agree DD. I know it is a tragic situation, but I feel that Scientology somehow is involved.
The Bahamas people say the Travoltas have the choice to make the autopsy details public. So you know they won't be. So that's that.
I don't think we will ever know the real story, anyway.
well look at how scientology can't even help kirstie alley not control her weight...
now i do believe that many MANY drugs are over prescribed---especially adderall and ritalin for kids who are just being KIDS and/or have been fed so much sugar ladened foods they can't see straight let alone concentrate....but the scieno belief that mental disorders don't exist? poppycock!
Where is Kirstie Ally & Jada Pinkett-Smith as well? I haven't seen any of the celebs on TV or on any online sources making any statements. The Scien-os have it locked down! They will talk when they are allowed to & will say what they are told to say.
This young man was clearly mentally retarded to some mild extent. They will never say that or admit he had any mental disabilities, as that would degrade their religion as not being able to "cure " it. And we all know their church can cure anything! Right?
Oh yeah, thats right...IT CAN'T!!
Not too long ago on this very blog, we had a small discussion about how they almost never have that boy out in public with them. It's very rare to see him with them in pictures. I do think they had issues with his disabilities and didn't want him photographed. Were they embarrassed by him? Maybe. They obviously didn't want him to get loose since they had bells and alarms & nanny's around him. It still didn't help. I hope he wasn't in need of some medical attention that he wasn't allowed to have because of their religion. He was a dependent child and the law will not be kind about this. Altho, being John Travolta he may get a pass on this. Money talks BIG! I hope not!
You can see in the footage released of them as a family, that Travolta was kind and careful to his son. Kelly Preston's body language tells a different story.
You wonder why that pair stays together.
DD's right, something is going down at Scientology center to do damage control.
Now is the time for Katie to escape.
But did they really go against the teachings or was that just a spin once the backlash set in?
I'm not so sure I believe that they ever gave him meds that weren't allowed. Jett definitely was not on anything right now (what would have come to light after the autopsy anyway) so they quickly stated that the stuff simply wasn't working for the kid, but rather endangered his liver. Right. So they had to stop.
As far as I remember have they always maintained that he had Kawasaki and the only cure that worked was a good detox. No matter how you look at it - at some point they were lying. And to me the most likely point in time for that is currently.
Not to hijack the thread, but Tom Cruise saying his dyslexia is cured? OMG -- did you see him trying to "read" the top 10 list on David Letterman??? Link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJOzDd0bglo
Very sad, but the dude cannot read.
Jett, RIP.
Any of you seen this? makes for interesting reading... http://forums.whyweprotest.net/298-jett-travolta/kelly-preston-another-disabled-son-35186/
I saw tonight on the news that the Travoltas had Jett's body cremated before bringing it back to FL for burial near their place in central FL.
Jett did have the look of not just an autistic child, though he had that look, but of mentally challenged individual. Very strange to me that they would've been ashamed of that, but apparently they were, or were the sinos telling John to keep it quiet for the sake of their teachings? Hmmmm, why would John and Kelly go along with that?
I didn't see any of the body language between Kelly & Jett that you refer to, but I thought it very odd in the film of them recently at the airport that Jett had to, at age 16, hold mom or dad's hand when walking or getting into the van. I can not imagine my 16-year-old boy doing that, and so I do believe he probably was either extremely autistic and/or had some form of retardation.
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