Monday, January 26, 2009

Has anyone watched this trash?

Orange County house hos..Gretchen is invited to Tamra's "etiquette" party only to be set up by her friends. While Gretchen's man is dying in the hospital she enjoyed a night of 1000 tequila shots. The girls were out to get her "naked wasted" and make a fool and a liar out of her. She fell for it, but, didn't sleep with Tamra's ugly nasty little son, Ryan. Not for a lack of his trying and begging though. Here Ryan shoots The Shocker..if you don't know what that disgusting gesture means, you can look it up on POTO. Gretchen ended up making a fool of herself, but, not looking so bad compared to her..cough..friends. I'd rather hang out with rabid wolverines than those women.


Anonymous said...

if i was gretchen , after i watched that episode i'd go over tamra's and kick her square in the crotch.then i'd dump in her toilet and stop it all up .

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what the hell was with Tamra, jealous much? She wanted to get G all drunked up, said it out loud, and then got mad when G did get drunk, made fun of her and didn't like Ryan leeching onto her? Very hypocritical and very strange. Ryan is a pinhead.

Anonymous said...

Do you have to have orange skin to live in Orange County? Seems so....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else wonder why this show is still on the air?? I mean who the F*$K cares about these losers and their lives?? Come on. Honestly I'd rather watch KON. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I loooove this show! these women have no idea that the economy is terrible, houses are being forecolosed on and we are at war. They truly live in a bubble. lol~

The other night Vikki's daughter was crying because Vikki is going to buy a yacht as a replacement to their riverhouse but the daughter wants to *keep* their river house
and not buy the yacht. lol~ Such problems!

Gretchen is prettier than Tamra ;)

Dirty Disher said...

Gretchen is prettier than Tamra ;)OH, thems fightin' words!

Anonymous said...

Ryan is a homely little bitch, isn't he.