Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I think Daddy likes him more than Miley

Billy Ray is going to stand behind him all the way. And bend him over. And...yeah.


Anonymous said...

Miley's the most masculine one in that picture.

Anonymous said...

that pic is creepey with a capital CREEP

Anonymous said...

That kid is just so good looking. He's either f'g Miley (and not been prosecuted yet) or he's getting it on with some model someplace. Or HE'S GAY!!! No way is he really gonna wait around for 5 years to be able to take her out for a drink! This is truly laughable. "No way baby, I don't care about THAT. I can wait. I don't need that, I've got you". Riiiight! BS!

Anonymous said...

This was their sunday go to meetin' attire too! All that f'g money & this is their sunday best? Gawd! Pass the plate brothers, the Cyrus' are among us this morning and don't they look fiiine?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the kid is one good looking dude. Very, very handsome. Too good for Miley Smiley and too good for her creepy daddy.

Anonymous said...

Men can show male bonding without it being sexual. I don't know much about either of them..but I wouldn't label it


Anonymous said...

7:43 you know Miley? That why your an expert? Loser.

Anonymous said...

Bill...excuse me. It's the truth. Plain & simple. She's too young for him by many years and too ugly for this particular guy. It ain't gonna happen. Who does he think he's fooling anyways? He's gettin' it from some fab goregous tall blonde(female) model, his own age and he's milking this thing with Miley & her daddy to further his f'g career. It's the GD truth. Gawd, Bill, wake up!! Are you blind? The guy can do much better and IS! Mark my words! Miley is pure publicity, he doesn't (really) want to date her.