Madonna's daughter, Lourdes Leon has been enrolled at the Professional Children’s School in New York City. It's an institute that allows the students to work in the entertainment field while they study. Lourdes is desperate to become an actress and was offered a part in The Secret Life Of Bees, but, her mother made her turn it down. Her new school has turned out some pretty famous people. This should be interesting as we watch Gristle turn from old faux rocker to stage mom. Why do I have songs from Gypsy running through my head?
First, let's take care of the moustache and the unibrow.
Yes, anon 1:44, that was my first thought as well.
This is the first picture of the girl that I thought looked pretty.
"Do it for mama, baby",Gristle shouts from backstage right. Can you imagine having that for your mother and role model. OY!!
Her dad is very cool tho. She will be in movies, no doubt. And maybe even good at it. Kids will like her if she is cool. If she's like her mom, they won't. But I think she is different and will show that in her life. Hopefully w/o the fake accent etc. If she speaks spanish tho, like her dad, that would be great. The brow & 'stache have gots to go tho!
i have never ever understood why mawhore doesn't have lourdes unibrow & stache removed...
lourdes is beautiful and i hope she doesn't have the same body-image complex her mother obviously has...
i know kids have got to make fun of her brows & "stache".
get it taken care of mom, that's if you can find the time out from your busy schedule!
By the look of the creature in the photo, a "Professional Institute" is exactly where it ought to be.
Can you IMAGINE the rest of it. At least she can rest in the comfort of knowing her girlfriend can spend evenings braiding her twat hair.
I'm just sayin'...
Air Kisses cuz I just grossed myself out
I can't get passed the poor kid's unibrow. My husband is less hairy.
I find it amazing that no one has commented that her mother should have enrolled in acting school. If she did then she should demand a refund because she was totally ripped off.
seriously has anyone mentioned the unibrow or is it just me?? Anyone? Anyone at all? ;)
I know many of you will disagree ("Ohhh, she LOVES her kids!!") but Gristle's just twisted enough to forbid Lourdes any facial hair removal...
.....among other things, I'm sure!
(No TAMPONS for you, Lola! KOTEX was good enough for your grandma, and they're good enough for YOU!)
Forget expensive schools. Gristle needs to invest in some electrolysis for this poor girl.
Poor girl is so unattractive, the excessive facial hair just makes it worse.
well now, her daughter isn't allowed to be prettier than her mom is she? That can't happen. She will keep her down as long as possible. Pretty soon she will be old enough to know how to pluck her own eyebrows. I just hope she doesn't shave her upper lip. Thats a serious no-no! I'd be afraid she'd do that when I wasn't around. There's no going back if she does that. And Nelly is probably right about the forestation down "there"...wow! She def needs lots of help from her mom.
I think Lourdes will be millions times prettier than Madge ever thought of being or ever tried to be. Get rid of all that excess hair and in a few years she'll be a real beauty. Madge was never pretty. She was always tight-faced and scary looking even way back when.
C'mon you guys, she is not even a teenager yet.....I think she will grow up to be beautiful
Everyone can be beautiful...on the inside.
she is a beautiful girl, BUT...what the fuck is up with the brow/stache combo? please tell me they're photoshopped!
i remember early 80's madonna had excessive eyebrow hair also. take her & get it waxed or something for crying out loud!!!!
Luckily with the new laser treatments available Lourdes will be able to have her unsightly facial hair permanently removed.
Why the hell does Madonna let her child go in public with such a hairy face? Thats disgusting and there are many products out there to get rid of it. Wax the unibrown and bleach the moustache, shes a little girl for crying out loud, she shouldnt even have that hair, she needs to have her hormones checked ASAP
OMFG! What kind of mother would let their daughter walk around with that kind of facial hair.
That girls needs a waxing appointment! Lord have mercy.
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