This was the surprise of the evening. Mickey won for The Wrestler, the surprise was that he came off as a genuine guy. He tripped going up the stairs, forgot to wear socks, was missing some teeth, admitted he was a has been...and just generally won everyone over. Myself included.
He deserved it! He was amazing in "The Wrestler".
I love this guy.
and he thanked his dogs!
Rourke's been pulling that aw-shucks what a loser I am act for years. Decades.
Why does he look so bad? Has he been on drugs and liquor and with the bums on the street or is this all contrived? Nice grease on that stringy hair. No, no, don't bother to comb it for the TV. Can this be real?
thats actually a good pic of him. That long hair is kinda working for him. I am glad for him. I hope he keeps going in a positive way now.
Any dude who thanks his dogs gets my vote.
I thought he looked great, and was humble and thanked his dogs. It doesn't get much better than that for me. I may actually have to watch this movie.
Mickey Rourke? He looks like a fucked-up Kevin Bacon...
Barfly is my favorite film. He was great in The Wrstler.
2:43 His ill fated stint as a boxer screwed up his face & he had surgeries to 'get back in the buisness', which went REALLY badly. I have no idea who his surgeon was but they mangled him, hardly looks like the same person. He used to be a good looking guy.
Crabbie is right though, that loser aw shucks thing has been his act for years.
I've always thought him to be rather egotistical & judgemental in interviews.
Just watched his bio on TV. He was very good looking in a rough, Irish way when he was young. Too bad he felt the need to have the crap beat out of him in the ring, but it is rare to find someone who will buck the Hollywood system the way he did (even though he is apparently crawling back to them now begging for work).
here i thought Mickey Rourke would never show up in public again, and there he was, winning left and right at the Golden Globes
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