Something was going on between Leo and Kate. It was like watching some college guy who got drunk and boned his buddys girl friend and then had to play it off as close friendship..or he'd be stuck with her clingy self. I've seen that a lot..(former bartender, remember)..this was some kind of play going on in the background. I don't think Leo likes her much. Am I wrong? Did anyone else watch that?
Something was going on between Leo and Kate. It was like watching some college guy who got drunk and boned his buddys girl friend and then had to play it off as close friendship..or he'd be stuck with her clingy self. I've seen that a lot..(former bartender, remember)..this was some kind of play going on in the background. I don't think Leo likes her much. Am I wrong? Did anyone else watch that?
Regardless of whether he likes her or not. He doesn't want to get busted. Plain & simple. He doesn't want anybody insinuating anything from his behavior. Then it apparently did just the opposite! His total denial of her must have been very obvious. Yeah, somethin' happened. He doesn't want to be with her. He just got sumpin' & he is done. Typical guy M.O. I didn't see it DD. But I understand exactly what you saw. He's a man, expect no less.
couldn't help that...your reference to gladys kravitz....
I only caught the last 50 minutes of the whole Awards, but I did see her win for Best Actress. I too found a few things weird, at least what I saw and thought.
when her name was annouced she immediately went to Leo and they hugged and embraced for a few minutes and then she turned to her husband and gave him a much quicker, cooler hug.
She is all flabbergasted on stage (I never understand why they don't have speeches ready) but she has no problem telling the world of her undying love for Leo and she seemed to beam on stage talking about him and then almost an after thought- oh yeah and thanks to my husband too, not much beaming there either.
I thought a few things -
Man I would be so ticked if I was the husband
She and her husband must have a very secure marriage for her to stand up there and say how much she loves another man too.
DD - who accepted the award for Heath Ledger - I didn't see that part.
I'm not saying nothing happened, but lots of actors are very over-the-top, and Kate is definitely one of them. She's known Leo for 13 years, and probably is madly in love with him, along with a million other bitches from Hollywood. The majority of them are OTT.
Heath Ledger's award was accepted by "Dark Knight" director Christopher Nolan.
Whatever happened to letting the world know how much you love your husband?? I couldn't agree more when you are giving a speech for anything really shouldn't you mention how much you love your husband and not another man? All the pictures say a lot more than "friendship". Try taking some nice pictures with your husband! Good for Leo on acting like nothing was going on?!
How'd you sneak that spamlink in, ecrunner?
Didn't they play a couple in one of the movies she won an award for?
At one point when she was giving her speech, and was telling him how much she loved him, etc., he appeared slightly teary-eyed.
They have some sort of bond, I don't know what, exactly.
Amazes me how many of us can watch the same things and take completly different things away from it.
Wow! I noticed the looks and "crazy" energy on the red carpet interview before it all started. I was thinking they gave off a couple vibe but I thought it was just me!
thanks DD for lettting me know :)
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