I should say, what I've learned from watching Kate with her kids..
Hannah..is "mommy's helper." She folds laundry. In the Gosselin family your worth is judged by how much you can help Kate. Hannah is the favored child because Kate bonded with her first and all the other kids can fuck off if "Hannie's" around, according to their mother. Only she doesn't say fuck off, she says Hannie needs her the most and that's why Hannie gets what Hannie wants, at the expense of all the others, and Kate makes no bones about it. Hannie-Poo has developed quite the attitude (who wouldn't) and is now a smartie pants who defies her parents on a regular basis. If Jon snaps and tells Hannie to shut up, Kate responds immediately with "You shut up, Jon."
Alexis..Kate banished her to the basement to sleep alone forever because she is a "disturber." Kate makes sure all the pedophiles in TV land know that Alexis is alone in the basement (she's a bat). I can't tell Alexis from Leah, they're both cute and laugh a lot...despite the parental lot they drew. But, Alexis is a seperate entity from her sister according to Kate, and must not be allowed to screw up Hannie and Leah. They call her the "controller."
Leah..again, looks like Alexis, is cute as a button and is allowed to room with Hannie. Which in the Gosselin household, is like being the family dog. We'll feed you, you can sleep in the house, but, know the pecking order.
Joel...the least favored child. A fountain of whine (their words, not mine). Does not understand that boys cannot wear pink, play with dolls or bake cakes. Joel is dirty and yuky and has a lisp. Kate and Jon mock his speach saying "DUUUUH, Joel." (This is accompanied by waving your hands in the air and lolling your head.) Often missing from family photos. Kate calls him clueless.
Aaden..The little proffessor. This "proffessor" label is due to the fact that the kid wears glasses. There seems to be no other reason for this stupid label. Kate said she wanted her kids to be perfect, but, Aaden isn't, due to his eyesight. She seems sad about this. Aaden is yuky and dirty. And gross. He has bowel problems discussed in detail.
Collin..has a very large head (freakishly big, according to Kate)..he is always ignored and alone...unless he's being "Mommy's helper boy" when he puts the big toys back in the garage. People who help Kate have worth, remember? The best thing they can say about Collin is "he's organized." Which seems to mean he's always trying to shove things where they don't fit, in order to "organize" them. A bit of a bully and has a vacant stare. One of his eyelids droop, Kate can't remember which one, but, he's not perfect and that's sad to Kate. He has bowel problems too, the opposite kind as Joel. He's most famous for getting a turd removed from his butt (by Jon) with a plastic bag on camera.
Mady..the "mean and ugly" child. Twin to Cara. Mady has more emotional problems than I am qualified to diagnose. She is a fit thrower and does not like the little ones. She's mean and rough with them. She refuses to lie for Kate and calls her out on national TV. Most famous Mady line "What? I don't want to be your maid of honor." (Nasty face.) After Kate said she was thrilled. Kate says "day after day with this child!" She's exhausted, remember? Clearly the brightest, Mady is much smarter than both her parents put together, but, it doesn't make anyone like her. Excluded from most family activities lately and not in the show much now. She puts her hand over the camera.
Cara..the "good twin." When asked a question Cara usually responds with "Ummm..." and trails off looking stunned. She's developed some kind of tick which causes her eyes to blink rapidly. She's nice to Collin, her C buddy, the only one in the family who's nice to Collin. She's nice to her brothers and sisters most of the time. Cara is not featured a lot because she causes few problems for Kate.
Hey, they put their kids on TV, I didn't. This is what I see. All of them are filmed dressing, bathing, pottying. If Kate doesn't like her kids, how does she expect the rest of the world to love them? And pay her for displaying them and their tantrums and their little naked behinds? Let's hear what you think.
I've never seen it, but I hope their kids file a class action suit against their parents the second they're able to.
I think how Kate and Jon still maintain that they are cash-strapped, and continue to whine, "How will we afford to take care of all these babies...how will we afford college..." is the real crime here. They continue to take "love offerings" from church speaking engagements--taking money from the pockets of hard-working people (whom I think ultimately have their hearts in the right place), while they are multi-millionaires who just purchased a $1.8 million dollar home. I hope people wise up soon.
And a pre-emptive "screw you" to the inevitable accusations of being "jealous" and a "hater" that will come from Kate Lovers.
DD, I have never seen this, mostly due to disinterest and more recently, due to your comments confirming that it's a bad idea. It sounds unbearable, kind of like Bad Girl's Club, (is that what it's called?) is unbearable. Media whores are just that. Yuck.
Perhaps you can get in "The Way-back Machine" and never watch it ever.
Why do people give such a shit about multiple births? I know and love several sets of twins and triplets, but it never makes me go OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Let's get over it?
Why anyone would want to watch a show featuring the hardcore emotional abuse of small children is beyond me. Just reading your synopsis literally makes my stomach churn with revulsion.
Most of you have been complaining about this travesty of a TV show since it's inception, and Dish posts on it regularly. That's a shitload of complaints-- from just one blog. Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever read a post anywhere in which someone said they actually enjoyed the show.
And don't say "Hey, I didn't put 'em on TV..." You can turn it OFF. If more people DID it would be cancelled.
No doubt if this show featured the inhumane treatment of animals people would react-- bigtime.. and that's beyond sad.
right on. add this...mady is conniving, shady and cruel. she is mean to her brothers and sisters when she thinks the camera is not on her, but is nice to them when it is. what a little sociopath in the making. remember the whole "if i poke someone with a pencil, would it be an accident" comment? let's see what comes of this little psycho in 5 years.
Yeah! I forgot that. The kid wanted to know if she stabbed someone with a pencil, would it be an accident? She scares me. I don't like it when Madys on. As for turning my TV off, I like TV. You can watch entire episodes of everything and never tune in to a whole show. So many re-runs.
Could not have put it better myself. I truly despise these parents and love their children. I suspect the kids will or already have huge emotional issues and self-worth problems. But then it is all about Kate, so that doesn't matter much, does it? Sad, sad, sad situation. Damn TLC to hell along with Kon for continuing this terrible program.
I feel the worst for Collin. He's really alone. I don't get too emotionally invested in TV kids, but, Collin makes me feel sick. That vacant hopeless look he has is not good TV.
Yuky dirty gross???? How can you call little children names like that!?????? There is something wrong with you!
Yucky, dirty, gross, mean and ugly. Those are Kates words for her kids, not mine.
I wish this programme was shown in the UK, it sounds hilarious.
Poor little Collin. I think he has disassociated himself already. Isn't that what it is called when you see that blank look on an abused kid's face? I remember him freaking-friggin out when Jon took them to watch him play golf and somebody got, I don't know, a piece of dirt on Collin. Oh, it was his hands. You would've thought someone had cut off the kid's hands he was so upset. I truly hate Kon.
I've learned how NOT to talk to my husband and kids.
I learned that just because you say you are a christian, doesn't mean you are.
I've learned that because I don't believe in Jesus, my children are not worthy of special trips and toys.
isn't there a children's services in that area? shouldn't they be investigating this shit???
The thing that gets me is, if she will treat her children this way on TV, what is she doing when the cameras are off. Who would make there kid sleep in the basement. Isn't that abuse? Fucking bitch. Some day she will get hers.
I don't have TV (not missing much I see) so I've never actually watched this crap.
5:52 is right, if it all bothers the viewers so much, write all these complaints and observations to the producers, where viewer opinions actually matter, and stop supporting the show by not watching it.
No matter how much gutter slinging on blogs there is and how replused you say you are the more you have that channel on, the more they will up the repeats and renew seasons.
If your really upset about it, don't watch it and stop giving it attention.
Anon 9:59: Many, many people, including me, have not watched this awful abuse of children show for a long time, but it does not make the problem go away. We have written to sponsors and to orgs that have booked these con artists. We have boycotted P&G products and told P&G we intended on doing so if she were not removed as their spokes-hag. There are many, many of us who would do anything we can to help these kids. Truly.
Oh boy, you need to read this blog if you want to get the full scoop on this slow-motion train wreck of a show.
Of particular interest is this recent entry.
By the way... only Nielsen households or folks who DVR the show affect the ratings. I could watch it all day long and it wouldn't have any effect whatsoever on the ratings. I'd rather have bamboo shoots jammed up my fingernails than do that, though.
I don't like the Gosselins and their deceptive ways. People are learning the truth about these two and the backlash is coming.
The show became so unwatchable because of Kate's terrible behavior. She's such a hypocrite.
What's up with filming the little girls while they are bathing and potty training? One scene has the camera man getting on the floor and filming Hannie on her potty training chair. Now that's pimpin' the kids.
yall people are ridiculous no parent is perfect and they take care of their kids so shut the fuck up and grow up most of yall are not parents are parent that have Child Protective Services on their asses because yall would rather do what yall want to do so fuck all of yall.
If I had money or pimped my kid for money I'd never see CPS because they're as dirty as Kate Gosselin. so you may fuck the fuck off. And Kate too.
By the way, Th Nielson Ratings pay $2 bucks. I know because I was chosen to participate a few years back. I declined because I have something the Gosselins have never had. A fucking job! Two, actually. I kept the money because it came in an envelope and I had no time or inclination to go buy a stamp since I lived 40 miles out in the sticks. The only other people on my road were in the cemetery next door. That's right, I owned a road. I also bought all the electric poles going down said road because the house had never been wired before. So forgive me for 'stealing' the Nielson's two fucking dollars. I'm sure I will enjoy burning in Gosselin Hell. They do run that place, right? Kate has to be the boss of something.
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