But, I think Fergie did herself a greedy disservice by selling the wedding photos. You are not Tom Cruise, Fergie. And now, a back view of the dress? Really? A back view? I don't know anyone who's going to pay US Weekly to see the front, except maybe her mother since no cameras were allowed. Oh, yeah, Fergie's such a big whompin' deal. Yawn.
that is a fucked up wedding picture...her hands aren't on him, he's holding her weird and why the FUCK is she showing off the back of her dress?? she wants to show she can zip up a zipper all the way???
She's got a bubble butt and her hair looks like she just rolled out of bed. If you're going to sell a photo, why not try to look good?
Thats not a bubble butt, but she's trying to show it off just the same. I don't get the choosen pose either.
I think it looks okay, and they both look happy.
Something is Jocelyn Wildenstein-ish abt Ferg...
I still think she looks older than dirt. Don't know how old she is, but he looks waaaaaayyyy younger.
I don't get the butt shot. Is it because, perhaps, this is what she considers her best feature?
It is a stupid picture. Josh is a hawtie. Fuggie's meth face = lmao!
That's why she shows her butt off.
He's actually 3 years older than her... he's 36!
I just dont buy that she's only 33. Nope noway
Subliminally turning her back on everyone except her husband, there.
Eat your hearts out, eh?
Hey, it coulda been worse.
She coulda opted for the white, schoolgirl wedding uniform.
Ahh @ turning back on everyone else! Good one.
Hey! People! Do you think she selected the pose the mag decided on? No way! She's a cool chick. He loves her, get over it.They have dated for a long time. He likes her ass & her face, obviously. He has a Frankenstein head, he aint' all 'dat!
I've always thought she looks older than what she is, or says she is. I like her dress.
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