Monday, March 16, 2009

Bouncie musics fans generally found to be stupid

I don't know why you'd need a study to know Beyonce has stupid fans, but, someone did one. If you listen to Timberlake, you don't fare much better in the IQ department.

"Fans of legendary acts like Queen, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Sinatra and Bob Marley are all around average and above when it comes to intelligence, according to Griffiths.
Radiohead, U2 and Bob Dylan all have intelligent fans, he said.
Fans of Beyonce, Timberlake and Jay-Z all tended to score below 1,000 on SAT scores, with the average being a mark of 1071 out of 1600.
Fans of Beethoven were way ahead of the rest with an average score of over 1300."
I don't think it's fair to include Marley, most of his fans are stoned. Except me...I don't know dealers anymore. And who listens to JayZ? Seriously? Did they have, like, one poor moron who stumbled into he test while scratching his nutsack and claiming he'd like to hit Bouncie's fat ass? (WTF is wrong with her eye in that picture, btw?) Lil' Wayne fans were deemed least intelligent. No shit. I question the intelligence of the study. I'd think that would be a given.


Anonymous said...

That metalic blue shadow and liner is retarded looking especially against darker skin tones.

I'm surprized they scored in the 1000 percentile, 700-800 would have been my guess.

Anonymous said...

If she keeps wearing earrings like that her earlobes are going to touch her shoulders in another 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Good Christ, Behonky looks like utter shite with that 60s blue eye shadow. It didn't look good in the 60s, it doesn't look good now. Especially on a black woman. When will women learn that trowelling on the hoor paint just makes them look like painted hoors?

Dirty Disher said...

I think they pulled her extensions too tight. Her eyeball is going to end up on her ass.

Anonymous said... Marley. I even like him straight.
Behonky (lmao anon 2:29)is lame. I never have gotten her...another black celeb who turned his/her back on the black folks who made them famous.
As for Jayz. I actually increased my iq by several points just by thinking he is Awful.

Anonymous said...

It cracks me up when women like Bouncie and Halle berry talk about being 'strong black women' and then go pay for European noses...

Anonymous said...

Beyonce hasn't had a nosejob you dipshit!

Anonymous said...

She looks like something straight out of Star Trek with that eye makeup. Stupid fat cow.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:59:00 PM
If you think Bouncie hasnt had a nose job then you are deluded. Have another look at her pic...does that nose look natural to you? or even faintly African American?
And have a look at some pics of Halle Berry from a few years ago and then a recent's pretty obvious.
get a clue.

Anonymous said...

i wonder what the IQ of anniston fans are. i'm guessing they all think they are intelligent. or better still, whats the name of that family with all those kids? oh yeah the gosslings. i wonder what the fans of their IQ is, probably below 50 i'd say. not to mention octopussy of course, below 10 for sure.

Anonymous said...

hey peeps...
im caucasian and when i think of "strong black women" my mind definately doesnt focus on beyonce,halle berry & co.... i immediately think of angela davis,tupacs mom,a great teacher i had in high school called mrs.nkrumah,mrs.coretta king,the list goes on... but it doesnt include shitty little pop stars & actrices, black or white, for that matter..
do any black bros.& sisters out there feel like this too?

Anonymous said...

Tyra Banks and Halle Berry are half white, so maybe they should just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Shes as nasty as her ugly fuckin husband.

Anonymous said...
