Monday, March 30, 2009

Britney Spears Voice Mail - Real or Hoax?

Audio from an alleged Britney Spears voice mail, in which she complains to a lawyer that her father has threatened to take her babies away. Is it real or just a hoax? It sure sounds like Britney, if you leave aside the fact that the person on the tape sounds rational and lucid, if a tad rushed. I'm voting real on this one. Actually, I'm voting that I don't give a shit, but whatever.


Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Adnan Ghalib had to do with this. Brit wants to get her funk-on with the vaginal- chin-groomed former pap, but she can't as long as Papa Spears is driving her career on crotch control.
He doesn't want her to get dicknotized as she often does. She can't sing, she can't act, her tits are ruined and she lost her mind; if she was a horse she'd be dropped off at the glue factory.

Leslie said...


Anonymous said...

I think that it's fake. There is always so much media around that if she really felt trapped she could speak out about it.

Anonymous said...

My daughter is friends with the girl that was recently hired to tour with Britney & do her hair & make-up. She said Brit is very, very shy & that the crowd around her now is religious. They are trying to instill in her the need to NOT be with people like she used to be with. It seems to be helping her career so far. Her dad needs to just keep it up. I think she is allowed to date but she is so shy she dates "inside" her group of aquintances & friends, if she does date. All she talks about is her boys. She pretty much is focused on them & wants them happy. Keep Adnan away, Jamie! Keep doing what you are doing!!!

Anonymous said...

Listened to it several times and i think it sounds real enough, i got the impression that the voice mail was directed towards a lawyer type.

Anonymous said...

I think it's real. If it were a hoax the culprit(s) would have undoubtedly beefed-up the sensational factor considerably. We would have been treated to "Hysterical Britney":

"Oh sweet Jeezus! My Dad's tryin' to take my bayyybees!"

Think about it.
PS: to Gossip Bunny- :-) (waves)
I'm not sure she *would* speak out at this point. She's utterly at the mercy and goodwill of her dad. Like it or not, he's 100% in charge for the time being, or at least until the courts decide otherwise.
If she told the media he was threatening to take her children, obviously he'd be furious and needless to say that wouldn't bode well for Britney.
Also, during the message *whoever it was* spoke hurriedly and in a hushed tone. If my dad was lurking around, that's how I'd be leaving my tele messages!

Anonymous said...

anon @ 7:15 said: "...she is allowed to date..."

GOOD LORD. The woman's 27 fucking years old, rich, divorced, and the mother of two... and she's ~ALLOWED~ to date?

That "conservatorship" sounds worse than a life sentence at Devil's Island.