Thursday, March 19, 2009

Britney turns down 3 million to tell her life story

Poontang turned down 3 million for an autobiography. She wants more money. Meanwhile, some rag is offering John Mayer 10 million to tell how Aniston called him Brad while they were humping. Priorities. Think about it,'s 1 million per word because the whole book would read "I is sad." Then she'd throw in a burp and a fart for free. She probably thinks autobiography means you write it in your car.


Anonymous said...

I think Brittney is bi-polar and dumb. Lost little girl whose career should have ended after Mickey mouse club, but lip-synching and selling sex onstage is a good business if you can do it. If she can't realize why she gets criticized; she should listen to her self sing without studio aids.

Anonymous said...

lmao. She probably does think exactly that.

I don't think John Mayer would be all that capable of writing a book either. One report said that he had offerred to tell of the time she called him Brad in bed! I feel sorry for Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

My first laugh of the day, only 20 minutes after waking up. :)

Dirty Disher said...

If she did write a book, I'd be the first in line to buy it, so who's the real dummmy? Heh.

Dirty Disher said...

Duuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmy. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

autobiography means you write it in your car.

just about spit out my drink reading that part - omg that was hillarious. Although she has had so many traffic violations, her car life might be interesting to hear lol.

lol at buying a bok DD - our curiousity always gets the best of us.


Dirty Disher said...

Waves @ crystal!

Anonymous said...

Three million dollars is a drop in the proverbial bucket to Britney these days. She's said to be bringing in over 200 MILLION on the Circus Tour. Add that to the estimated 100 million she's already banked and do the math.

So should she tell her life story-- warts and all-- (and you know they'll demand plenty of warts!) for a paltry 3 mil? Shit, no.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't be allowed to write a life story when your not even 30. She's still learning and growing up for petesake.

Anonymous said...

What's she gonna call the book, "HOe NO MO" I can't take these stupid cunts...

Anonymous said...

That picture you put with the story was totally uncalled for: she wasn't smacking a piece of gum with an open mouth per her usual "pose". And her wearing one of her fucking goofy (get it?) hats would have been an added touch.

10doll said...

Britney think bra. Something underwired perhaps. At least get the girls looking in the same direction.